I’ve been over and over the Kennedy Assassination thread-it is obvious that the only way to settle the thing is to go straight to the horse’s mouth! So, for those of you who believe (that it is possible to speak to the dead)-how much would you charge to contact and ask a few questions, of the late Mr. Oswald?
Certainly, Lee has plenty of people still alive who knew him-his brother and widow are still (I believe) alive.
So, why NOT try this interesting experiemnt?
Could LHO please answer the following questions:
-was that you in the backyard photo with your cheap Mannlicher-Carcano rifle?
-did you KNOW Clay Shaw?
-was Jack Ruby a casual acquintence of yours
And (finally)-did you work for the CIA and/or KGB?
(eagerly awaits disembodoed voice of LHO)!
Yes, both
By the way, the Riemann Hypothesis is true.
- Alek Hidell
Also, if a guy named Pascal offers to make a wager with you, don’t take it.
Having seen a little of Oswald and some of Gary Oldman’s version of him- he sure did talk strangely. Is that some kind of dialect (he was from New Orleans, I know) or is it just a weird-sounding guy who was kind of slow?
How much ya got?
“I will channel any assassin for $49.95!! WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD!! This week’s special–double header with John Wilkes Booth and Gavrilo Princip!”