Matron, loosen the tethers…No, not that much!
On the (in particular) last two pages of this thread, we seem to be getting somewhere on what kind of numbers we’re looking at in relation to current active membership, costs related to running the board and The Readers mind set on the issue of PTP – thanks to KellyM, kabbes, TubaDiva, Mike Lenehan and several others.
While folks are still looking at issues like how many active members there are and what they might be prepared to pay, it appears that at least three things have emerged:
The Reader has reached the crossroads: It needs to justify the growing expense of the board because it’s benefit to Cecil and his books and column is now proportionately seriously out of whack. That doesn’t necessarily mean profitability or even break-even, but it does mean an income of some measurable description is required.
The consensus of the membership is that the board will wither on the vine (if it goes PTP) without the regular watering of new members as well as those regulars who won’t/can’t pay. If predictions of its death are themselves premature, the obits can be drafted – that seems to be the general view. It is that serious.
The costs related to this board seem to break down to:
$7,000 (bandwidth, power, odds and sods), $30,000 (server tech support) and (at some point in the future) $2,000+ (for depreciation on capital assets) – again, The Reader hasn’t said it need to cover all those costs but something needs to happen and soon.
So, that’s the kind of money we’re looking at. Given PTP is the answer of absolute last resort (little more than suicide if the consensus is accurate), what else have we got. Lets try to make some serious suggestions based on what we now know ?
Heres two for starters:
One – It’s a little cute. How about an annual charity drive not unlike the pledges made as a result of Anthracite’s ‘new Server’ plan. The money then comes into a designated person (one of our esteemed legal seagulls ?) by a certain date, that person places an ad banner on the board on an agreed date with The Reader (alleviating their distress) that…surprise, surprise,…is charged by The Reader at the same amount as flowed in via the charity drive ?
That method may not raise all that’s needed but, judging by the responses to Anthracite’s Server thread, it could well deal with the Bandwidth issue and leave a little over (say $7,000).
It ain’t the solution because we’d still have the tech costs but…it’s a start ?
Two – Look more closely at the possibility of the board adopting charitable status as a Bare Trust. It seems that necessarily means (under US law and in the absence of opinion to the contrary) the SDMB severing links with The Reader but it has three crucial qualities:
The Reader is released from bearing the costs and can even make donations to the SDMB Trust,
It’s better than the death of the board, and
Cecil still gets to publicise his column and books to a wider audience.
So, there you go: Dis and Discuss. PTP looks like the most likely option but can we collect together any other ‘real world’ ideas/solutions that take into account the realities of this situation - and don’t use words like ‘pay’ and ‘post’ in conjunction – to form a cohesive solution ?