Public High School Teacher Teaching Creationism

I wonder how he’d respond if a knowledgeable parent or other asked for equal time to talk about evolution and point out the lies and crap in the Hovind video.

Exactly. It’s not illegal to teach Creationism in a public school.

…but I suspect it’s against school policy to be a) not teaching the subject you were hired to teach and b) teaching Religion when you haven’t been hired to teach Religion (or maybe Literature).

kill the heretic!!!..!!!..!!!

They may be few, but they sure have a lot of money and make a lot of noise.

To mis-quote McLuhan, “The medium is the message.” A Teacher presenting this information in a classroom is automatically assumed to be an authority figure presenting facts - this is the medium. The overarching message is that “this information is accurate”. Yes, we expect students to develop critical thinking skills (but usually not until college), but we don’t really expect them to be approaching their lessons with active skepticism.

So, to your point - hogwash!

Who is this Kent Hovind the OP mentioned?

From the linked article:

Ugh, he sounds like a scam artist to me.

He’s one of the leaders - if that’s the right term - of the current incarnation of creationism.

But anyway, it is useless arguing with people. As the cliché goes, you can’t use reason to get them out of a position they didn’t reason themselves into.