Publishers Clearinghouse Won't Work on My Smartphone

It does work on my PC. But not my smartphone FWIW.

I’ve had problems with PCH in the past. And the matter usually resolves after one week. And it has been about a week.

And BTW does PCH still work over the phone, after they give you an entry number? Seems a little crude. But I would be willing to try anything now.


Well, the matter has been resolved. I don’t know why I am posting this. No one after all replied to my OP. I apparently just needed a software update.

You’re the first person I’ve ever seen that used the PCH website. It gets blocked on my work computer as a High Risk website.

Good to see that Jim_B’s troubles are over.

I’d considered nominating his dilemma as the Ultimate First World Problem. :slight_smile:

This thread ain’t over yet, at least for me.

Jim B (or anyone), what do you do on their site? I only know them as the contest people… do you order magazines from them? If so, how often do you have to do that? It sounded like you’re on their web site regularly.

(It’s too late to have Ed McMahon show up on my porch with a huge check, right?)

Person A: “It is too late for Ed McMahon to show up on my porch with a huge check.”

Person B, pale, trembling, and tightly hugging a large rectangle of cardboard: “That’s what I used to think!”

digs, I don’t buy anything (they got into trouble for making people think that they had to). I simply enter their million dollar contests. It’s awarded a couple of times a year. And you can’t beat the price. It’s absolutely free. I am not doing a promo for PCH. I am just answering your question :slight_smile:.

PCH a ‘high-risk’ site? That’s the first I’ve ever heard of that. It is a magazine warehouse. And as also pointed out, Ed McMahon used to award the prizes.

It’s blocked by our security software. That means it probably doesn’t have the right patches or configuration on their software.

Thanks, Jimbo! I’d stop by and enter a few times, but I don’t want to decrease your chances.

How nice to be able to enter without licking thirty stickers and pasting them in just the right boxes, then doing it all over again a week from now…