Pulp Fiction question

All we know about the Marsellus-Tony Rocky Horror incident is that we don’t know why Tony got tossed out a window. We do know that happened, since both Jules and Mia mention it (and the way Mia says it suggests it’s a well known event) but she just says it *wasn’t *over a foot massage and that she, personally, does not know what it was over. Marsellus might well have had a legitimate reason to defenestrate Tony, but all we know it that it wasn’t the reason Jules heard and Mia doesn’t know and doesn’t seem to care.


Which predates your first link.

This Angelfire (!) page was last updated 1/4/2001.

This is a geocities archive from 2009, lord knows when it was actually created.

I suppose I could check usenet.

eta: 2008.

Possible. Good point!

Yeah, that’s not the sort of thing one can delegate. It demands the personal touch.

I think the point to the story was Vincent staked it out on his own since Jules had left. And that’s what killed him. Marcellus had other business to look into and that’s why Vincent went out with Mia.

¿Que? Vincent’s evening with Mia was at least two days before Butch killed him.

Right, and that’s what Marcellus was on about when Butch ran him over. It was in the middle of a suburbian commercial strip; rather away from Butch’s apartment, from the looks of it.

At the first intersection he (Butch) came to with a stoplight. Even counting the backyards he had to sneak through coming and going, it wasn’t that far away.

And my last link predates your post by 3 years.

And then there’s all this.

Seriously, you thought you were the first person to observe that bad things happen whenever Vincent takes a dump?

There’s the possibility that they were in the apartment mainly to ransack it looking for clues to where he might be hiding, and brought guns on the off chance that Butch might still be there.

Here is the scene of Butch leaving the apartment and running into Marsellus.

Why was Marsellus there? Maybe Vinecnt was on stakeout and Marsellus was just arriving and bringing coffee. He would park away from the apartment so his car wasn’t seen.

Or maybe they were both there and he went for coffee. Maybe they had been there for hours or maybe it was 15 minutes looking for clues and Marsellus was getting ready to leave but went to get Vincent coffee first.

Anyway, it’s no stretch of the imagination to believe that Marsellus was there, and he wouldn’t necessarily have to be staying all day to perform hours of stakeout duty.

ETA: I’d like to know the OP’s friend’s evidence. Maybe there was a clue inside the apartment that two people were there or something.

And holy crap, Kathy Griffin is in that scene. I never knew that.

For years, her appearance in that scene was my secret weapon when playing Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon.

I haven’t watched the movie in years, but why would Marcellus be getting coffee for Vincent? That would be like Tony Soprano getting coffee for Paulie.

Potentially yes; not that it’s some great insight, just so trivial that no one ever bothered to mention it before, like noticing if a stormtrooper is left-handed. I just threw it out as an offhanded comment once. This thread is the first I’ve heard of anyone else ever making the same observation.

From whom to whom?

Christopher Guest in A Few Good Men is another good one.

While someone already mentioned how it’s IMDB trivia, it also earned a TV TROPES entry under “Running Gag”: “There are three times when Vincent goes into a bathroom and shit happens when he returns. The last one kills him.”

Because Vincent is the professional hitman, and it’s his job to nail Butch? :dubious:

Why wouldn’t he go grab coffee and donuts if they were on the stakeout together? Or Tony grab something for Pauley, for that matter? Is it that big a deal?

“Hey, Vincent (or Pauley)! I’m sick of sittin’ around waitin’ for that motherfucker to show up. I’m gonna go grab a snack at that place we passed on the way here. You want me to bring you back something too?”

I wonder if this isn’t just a slight exaggeration. Marcellus (or Marsellus I guess is the spelling) is pretty well-off, but he didn’t exactly strike me as the Hugh Hefner of the LA underworld. The only real underlings we saw were Jules, Vincent, and the guy running the nightclub. Everyone else (Marvin, The Wolf, Jimmy, the junkyard owner) were “associates” on call.