Just watched it on DVR. Wow, just wow. The best episode ever, in my opinion. A great couple, and a great job by the Fab Five. I had thought the show had lost its steam, but if the rest of the season is half this good, it’ll be fine by me.
I concur.
This one made me really tear up.
I also wanted to note that I thought it was swell how Thom went to J C Penny and didn’t make it seem beneath him or that the people were total losers for shopping there the way some decorators do(and fashion designers too, I might add).
Just so everyon’e clear, we’re talking about the Guy version. Yes - probably their best episode yet.
There was a pile of nice advice - buying up a years’ worth of baby clothes and then being able to see pictures of the baby in them as time passes is one I’d never think of.
Forgoing the usual grooming rituals and using that time to get more at the personal side was a good choice - this guy’s going to be up to his ankles in sand in a few days, and the perfect shave and a beautiful manicure would just be wasted.
Shipping over care packages with things like underwear, socks, shoes and soap was an eye-opener. Whatever happened to the days when the Army provided a soldier with everything they wore, including socks and skivies? And soap, for cryin’ out loud!
As for the “Straight Girl” version - yech. Remember one comment about how well the subject put on makeup. She works for a cosmetics company - she *better * know how to use the stuff!
I concur with your “yech” for QE for the Straight Girl. When I first saw the ads I was excited, but upon viewing just one episode it’s become clear that they’re trying way too hard to force the humor and chemistry of the original. And it’s not working at all. Plus, I dunno. I just don’t want to spend that much time listening to discussions about make-up and purse organization. Neither is very interesting.
As for last night’s episode of “Straight Guy”–usually I’m a complete cynic, but this really was touching. They did a lot of great stuff for that family at a time when it really matters–making sure that the wife and little girl would be comfortable and that the guy would be as well taken care of as possible while overseas was a real class act. I’m glad they didn’t follow the usual makeover script to a T this time.
I’m gonna be too tired and wiped-out to watch the “Straight Girl” anyway, but the Times said is was sad and creepy rather than funny. Apparently, the “Life Coach” gives her Oracle Cards and some kinda New Age fung shui crap, and the gal is clearly in need of psychological, not cosmetic, help.
Just to be clear–they did a ‘sneak preview’ last night (Tuesday) of Girl with one named Rebekah. Very sensible girl, no feng shui, although the LA vibe is so different and I don’t think the Fab Four have any particular chemistry.
The Fab Five last night were at their best. So thoughtful! Quietly patriotic without mentioning politics. And didn’t the wife look great in that dress?
I have to somewhat disagree. For a Queer Eye episode it was not really good. They really did almost nothing to makeover the guy. As a show on its own, it was touching and a tearjerker but contrived. There was so mush product placement it made me a little ill. However, you cannot deny that it was a nice thing to do for the family, that they seemed to be lovely, deserving people, and I won’t deny that they had me in tears by the end. It also had a lot of great tips for dealing with long-distance relationships and relatives in the military.
The straight girl show wasn’t nearly as good. There are already a lot of great makeover shows for women and I wasn’t impressed with the chemistry. IMHO, its the chemistry between the Fab 5 that makes the show; their jokes are funny because they play off one another so well. They also seem to really care about their subjects. I’m giving the straight girl one more chance tonight, though.
Did anyone else notice that Kyan’s expression looked like one of anger at the end? He didn’t even want to make a comment. I suspect that he was angry about the waste and uselessness of the sojourn to Iraq. The poor fellow is in a security detail. His odds are not great.
I had sort of the same response to the episode. As they were handing over the Powerbooks and talking about sending pictures back and forth, as they gave the soldier the shoes and the duffel liner and the wife the baby clothes and the pre-scented-with-cologne stuff, I thought it was a neat way to say, “Look, we’re all Americans and we just want to help.”
And then I thought about all the troglogytes who would acidly retort, “Well, we don’t want your help, do we?” and I got sort of depressed.
Re QE4theGirl, I was mostly distracted by how little Robbie had changed from our college days, and how uncomfortable he seemed doing the presentational stuff right to the camera, so I don’t really have an opinion on the actual show.