Query about skit from MADTV

A few years ago, I was watching MADTV and the first skit was one with a woman on the phone with a neighbor. The woman was trying to politely end the call but couldn’t. When her husband walked in, she asked him to help her. The husband was a real milquetoast and said he had the perfect way to help. He then yelled, “BITCH!” at her.

What episode was that from and do you have a link to an online video? Thanks.

No idea, but bump in case someone else does :slight_smile:

All I remember is that it was the first time I’d seen that show and the skit was hilarious.

I remember this from SNL with Will Ferrell as the husband. Transcript here.
That’s not to say that Mad TV didn’t do a similar one.

That’s similar to what I recall. Thanks.