I have a question that has bothered me now for quite some time. My basic question is:
Why are people so stupid???
Now I want you all to understand that I’m not trying to flame anyone at all. This is just a question in general. I have been reading a lot of reports from the media and I can’t help but wonder about some of the people that these stories are about. For example:
People will move into an area known for Tornadoes. The place may have a history of Tornado strikes every few years. They move in and buy a house knowing full well the risks of living there. Then eventually a Tornado comes barreling down and destroys everything they own. You see them on TV crying their eyes out about how they lost their loved ones and everything they own, they get the insurance money for losing the house, Then will rebuild the house IN THE EXACT SAME LOCATION so another Tornado can come roaring through there and smash their house to pieces again.
Heres another:
People will go surfboarding at the beach. The media will give warnings of various shark attacks that have occured over a recent period of time. Some unfortunate soul will go out into the water, get attacked, and get either a limb torn off, or even worse killed. Everyone will witness this and stand there screaming while the shore patrol is carting the victim away, THEN THESE FOOLS WILL GO RIGHT BACK INTO THE WATER AGAIN AFTER SEEING WHAT JUST HAPPENED.
and another:
Hikers will go mountain climbing in the hills after being sternly warned about high winds and adverse weather conditions in the area. They go up, ignore this warning, get stranded, and then the next thing you know, Rescue Choppers are being called in to rescue them after they (the climbers) have been officially warned about the weather and directly told not to go out there.
I mean this can go on and on. People will go sailing far from shore knowing that a powerful storm is approaching knowing fully well that their boat is not seaworthy enough to survive it when they get caught
People will continue to do drugs after seeing many of their best friends Overdose on it
Women will get beaten by an abusive spouse, police takes him to jail, and as soon as he is released, she goes RIGHT BACK TO HIM so he can beat the crap out of her again…
Now I do not by any means consider myself a genius. Believe me I am far from it, but for those of you that have any type of advanced training in psychology and understand human behavior…please help me understand this…
Why do people do these things