Question about cop in Jack Reacher movie (spoiler)

Something the police officer said wasn’t explained in the movie that I could see – maybe it was covered in the book, or maybe I missed it.
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Towards the end of the film, on being revealed as in cahoots with the villain, the cop said something to the effect of not having a choice. Well, why not? What led him to feel this way and throw in with the bad guys?

I assume you’re referring the character Detective Emerson (played by David Oyelowo, who recently appeared as MLK in the film Selma.) The ending in the book, One Shot, is quite a bit different from the film. It’s never explained why Emerson is dirty, only that he is the inside man for The Zec. Money, presumably. In the book, like the movie, he’s exposed at the end via the deductive leap made by Reacher regarding the fingerprint on the quarter retrieved from the parking meter.

That’s correct. Sounds like there may not be an explanation for the line spoken as I remember it. Thanks for the reply.

Well seeing as how the Zec gives people that don’t play along the option of either chewing off their own finger or getting murdered, I figured the detective was offered similar options and went with “play along.”