Does anyone on the dope buy movies from iTunes? I am tempted to buy the second Pirates, but first I would like to find out if the DRM allows you to burn it to a DVD. Up until recently I would have taken it for granted but with the constant bitching of the RIAA and the film industry following suit, i’m not so sure anymore. Has anyone ever burned a movie from iTunes?
I never have. I don’t know about the DRM, but remember, video isn’t really like audio. What looks okay compressed in a small picture probably won’t look good if you blow it up. Better, in my opinion, to buy the actual DVD–then you get all the extras, a good lossless (well, as lossless as DVD inherently gets) copy, and if you want to rip the DVD for whatever reason, it’s easy enough to do. I have lots of video on my iPod and all of it is from stuff I own and ripped.
No, you can’t. It can only be watched on your computer, a video iPod, or the AppleTV doohicky. This is probably the third most common complaint I hear about iTunes movies, after cost and quality (on the AppleTV – they’re plenty good enough for a Video iPod). I presume Apple hears the same complaints, but so far no one’s budging.
This is my understanding as well. However, if you do have a video iPod, you could hook it up to your TV. I have no idea what the quality would be.