Question about Moonstruck (spoiler)

If Johnny’s mother was so happy that he was getting married, why did he break off the engagement?

She’s not happy he’s finally getting married; she’s happy she can still tug the apron strings and have him come running to her bedside. It’s a control thing. As long as she’s alive, she’ll be his first priority, not any wife he might take. And that’s not good enough for Cher (and she’s right not to get into that kind of marriage).

“I’m a wolf? You run to the wolf!”

One of my favorite movies, BTW.

It was the first movie I ever bought, <on tape>, and at the same time I bought a player, both from Blockbuster. The player was a used store player, so it played over and over and over again…I used to fall asleep watching it and it’d run all night. I was either gonna hate it or love it, due to sheer repetition, and I love it. I should hate it, cause some of the acting and lines are so awful and stilted…but it works anyway, somehow.

Love, love love this movie… reminds me of an embarrassing but true story:

I worked at a video store (West Coast Video) in the late 80’s/early 90’s and we could only play PG/PG-13 movies at work. I played Moonstruck nearly every night I worked, to the point I had memorized every line.

One night, a customer came to the counter, but I had to finish speaking along to the scene, complete with theatrical mannerisms:

My two co-workers (one behind the counter with me, the other on the floor of the store) were speechless, with looks of horror on their faces.

At the counter was a man with one arm…


Ok, that…was great.
Provided the guy wasn’t too pissed :stuck_out_tongue: