Question Cecil NEVER answered....[connection between music and goosebumps]

I have always wondered what is the connection between hearing music or singing… that brings us to have goosebumps? I tell you, every single time I hear someone belt out a beautiful song e.g. Whitney Houston (before Bobby) her music makes me break out in a body full of goosebumps. Why is that? What is the connection between our ears, and our skin? Curious minds would love to know…?
Can you find me the answer, Dear Cecil?
p.s. I absolutely LOVE your site. I laugh myself to almost “tinkle” everytime I read it. heee hee…

Sarah - Sweet Home Chicago

I believe it’s something in us called “emotion.”

Now, I, personally, don’t get very moved by the likes of Whitney Houston, but I do get all clammy when I hear Songbird by Kenny G.

Here’s one interview about research on this:

Edited title to indicate subject.

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