Why does music physically affect us?

I am reminded of this question by an excellent IMHO thread:
Songs That Give You the Chills
When I hear certain songs, I have the following physiological effects:

  • Feeling of “Chills”, almost like a mild electric charge.
  • Goosebumps
  • Raised hair on neck/arms.

What is the deal with this? Is it cultural or physical? Is is a function of certain harmonics that resonate with me? It seems to be very closely related (in me at least) to the fight-or-flight response that I get when I’m in a dangerous situation or when I’m about to go on stage. Is this just another pleasant evolutionary accident?

So many questions.

Don’t have the answer, but it seems like other people have been asking this question. You may want to check out The Genetic Mystery of Music, by Josie Glausiusz in this month’s issue of Discover magazine.

There is also an extremely vigorous and interesting discussion on the emotive qualities of music found in Plato’s Republic.


Maeglin and Northern Piper, thanks for the interesting reading material. I suppose more research is in order.