Question for Bay Area Dopers

Is the south campus area of U.C. Berkeley adjacent to Telegraph Avenue?


In fact, Telegraph dead-ends at the south campus entrance.

I suddenly got a powerful craving for a slice of Blondie’s pizza. Hmmmmmmm.

Cappucino at the Med.

Thanks, dudes. Was anyone a student at UCB or Santa Clara in 1968? Anyone remember anything of the demos that year triggered by - well, just about anything - King’s killing, the Democratic Party Convention in Chicago, 'Nam, Huey Newton’s conviction for killing a cop? Anyone read Berkeley Barb back in those days? All grist for my mill and grass for my joint, man. (Also useful background for a text analysis in doing for my thesis.)

Hmmmmm… Fat Slice.

I wasn’t there in 1968, but I was there for the demonstrations over Prop. 198 in 1996…