Question for Diogenes the Cynic about Apocalypto

I didn’t want to resurrect a “zombie” thread so I’m not sure what the best way to do this is. I figure I’ll ask the question in this thread, and then you mods can just close it or delete it once it’s been answered.

I just saw Apocalypto (I liked it a lot, actually.) Typically when I see a new movie that’s come out, I’ll read the thread about it here. But, of course, I was kind of late for the Apocalypto party, so I searched for threads about it to read what Dopers had to say about it.

So in this thread, I noticed Diogenes made the following comment:

What are you talking about here?

I guess I’ll spoiler this:

I was talking about the shot of the Spanish ships sailing towards the beach. I thought it was unexepected because it was anachronistic (Mayan civilization had already fallen several centuries before the Europeans showed up), and “disturbing” because it bespoke an even greater threat to the rustics than the Mayan cities did.

Ah, I see. I guessed that that’s what it was, but wasn’t sure. Thanks for responding.