September 29, 2000, 4:16pm
Does anybody know what it is called when a system uses 0 to
specify the first occurence of something (instead of 1)? For example:
“Because UNIX is a <terminology_here> system, the first engine in the application is listed as “engine 0” in the output.”
I mean – I know we use it all the time, but what is this called???
Sign me totally puzzled.
– Baglady
How about “Because UNIX uses offsets instead of ordinals. . .”
I don’t know if this is what you’re looking for, but in programming, arrays that start with 0 rather than 1 are often just referred to as being ‘zero-based’.
September 29, 2000, 4:55pm
SDMB – don’t you just love it! Thanks folks for the uber-quick response!!!
September 29, 2000, 5:34pm
You’re talking about the difference between integers “0…1…2…3” and counting numbers “1…2…3…4”
This is what my 7th grade algebra teacher taught.