Question for right-wingers/conservatives...

Do you actually have any opinions of your own, Shayna. Or do you merely enjoy cutting and pasting from John Kerry’s website?

Tsk, tsk, Mr. Moto.

a) That quote isn’t even from John Kerry’s website, it’s from The Washington Post. And once again, I must remind you to be more diligent when reading my posts. You keep getting it wrong, and it’s annoying.

b) What does my opinion matter wrt your demand for alternatives to what we’re doing now and specific suggestions on how we can do better, when I’m not in a position to actually do anything about it? Since it would be either John Kerry or George W. Bush who would actually set and enact the policy, and it’s them between whom we’re choosing for the job, isn’t is wise and important to know where each of them stands? Besides, when you ask us that question, aren’t you really asking us what we’d suggest John Kerry do differently? And isn’t that precisely the answer I gave you?

But since you asked so nicely, my own opinion is that John Kerry is exactly right in his approach and I look forward to him taking over the reigns and re-establishing cooperative relations with our allies so they can help us maintain order, rebuild Iraq’s infrastructure and get our troops out of there asap.

What do you suggest we do, keep shooting from the hip and racking up the body count?

Actually I had already linked to and quoted from that press conference in an earlier post. :slight_smile:

I’ve been searching for a long time. Arianna Huffington’s use of the quote was the first instance I found that attributed an official source, the March 13, 3002 press conference. I read the press conference, and though he says similar things, that exact quote wasn’t in it. I’m paranoid enough to wonder if the transcript has been scrubbed.

I’ve registered at Snopes to see if I can get any more info; there’s nothing there on this as yet.

  1. duh.

Let’s move that sentence around:

Bush is a lying, shameless, flip-flopper.

Ahem, Mr. Moto. Y’know, if you’re going to get your knickers all atwisted over those who don’t offer alternatives, or over Shayna and her use of Kerry’s website to refute your nonsense, then don’t you think it behooves you to respond when I offer some alternatives? Post #20 in this thread, to be precise.

If, that is, you’re capable of doing so.

Too, I’m more than a little curious as to how you would define “success” as used here:

If, that is, you’re capable of doing so.

I wasn’t ignoring this, I just haven’t been around.

I’d been seeing this quote for several months, usually coupled with the first quote. I thought I saw the video too, but that’s more fuzzy, and even if I did, I couldn’t say where I thought I saw Bush saying those words. It could have been Fahrenheit 9/11, it could have been Uncovered, it could have been The Daily Show, or a snarky show like Countdown. I got nothin’ so there’s no cite there.

I’ve looked and looked, and I’ve read this thread now, where you and others have looked and looked (thanks), and it seems that I owe everyone an apology, because a cite for that quote is not to be found. Damn, my face is red.

I don’t believe everything I read. I’m actually quite a skeptic, but seeing the quote so often, coupled with thinking I actually saw Bush say it on video, made me trust it as an actual quote, rather than an obvious paraphrase of what Bush said at the Press Conference you cited.

I apologise to all for making it seem like an actual quote, when I should have checked beforehand for the source. I don’t apologise for the point of the OP, which was that Bush flip-flopped on being gung-ho about finding Osama, and then not being very concerned about him.


“So I don’t know where he is. You know, I just don’t spend that much time on him, Kelly, to be honest with you.”

“I’ll repeat what I said. I truly am not that concerned about him.”

I know the context, and I understand it, but it’s still a stunning change of heart.

I’m not going to request that the thread be closed because for one, I’m still trying to hunt down where this paraphrase came from in the first place, and two, the point still stands.

Thanks to everyone for their contributions.


(quote to irk lissener) I’m a dirty bird (/quote to irk lissener)

I’m sure this is the progression of sentiment that most Americans experienced as well. Think about it. In the Trade Center aftermath, the name “Osama Bin Laden” was being thrown around America and Network TV as if he were the lone person in charge of the attacks. I’m sure that most Americans, at the time, after seeing possibly tens of thousands of Americans (if you’ll remember, at the time, the death toll was thought to possibly be over 10,000, rather than between 2,000 and 3,000) killed in cold blood, cared about one thing and one thing only as far as international issues were concerned: finding the son-of-a-bitch who was responsible. Bush’s first quote, only 2 days after the attack, reflected this sentiment.

Americans then had the time to calm down and think things rationally. They also learned that Al-Qaeda is a network of terror, in which one cell going down does not mean the end of the network. Al Qaeda is not a hierarchal organization in which the removal of the leader spells the end of the network. Bush’s second quote, 6 months after the attack, also reflected this sentiment.

BTW, I did not mean to imply that you deliberately misquoted Bush. He certainly has let ObL slip into the background where he was once Topic A, which probably explains why the quote is easy to believe. Anyway, I don’t think that, even in the Pit, we should keep threads with inaccurate quotes in the OP. If that were Kosher, I can just imagine what this forum would degenerate into…

No one else will probably find this funny and I may just be wasting a bit o’ bandwidth, but I just can’t get the following out of my mind.
Equipoise strides purposely into his polling precinct and approaches the sweet, little old lady (SLOL) handing out ballots.
Equipoise: Hand over a ballot, bitch!
SLOL: There’s no need for such language, young man. Now just give me your name and…
Equipoise: Name this! (Grabs self suggestively).

Equipoise reaches out, snatches a ballot, and stomps away. He marches past people waiting in line and heads to the nearest voting machine, which is inconveniently in use.

Equipoise: Move it, little man! (Grabs voter by neck, casts him aside).
Equipoise: Boom. Take that you wussy little chad! (slams pen through spot for Kerry. Pulls out ballot and begins to rush towards ballot box, blind to everything around him.

Kindly retired volunteer (KRV) tries to step in and stop commotion.
KRV: Sir, please the voting precinct is no place for such behavior.

Equipoise rears back, punches KRV in the stomach. As KRV doubles over, Equipoise brings knee to head knocking KRV out.

Equipoise slams his ballot into the box.
Equipoise: That’s democracy in action, jerkoffs! (gives an elaborate series of crotchchops, fingers, and inarticulate howls as he exits.)

The first time I saw you attempting to form an assertion from the comparison of the 10,000 figure to the 3,000 figure, it certainly raised an eyebrow. But now that it is a mantra, I simply must ask — what the hell are you saying? That it is easier to stomach the mass murder of 3,000 than 10,000? Because it isn’t, at least not to me.

It’s typical. The libs will distort GWB’s words any way they can. Here, he said something that vaguely sounded like he didn’t care about OBL. Now the libs are parroting the Bush Doesn’t Care About OBL line all over the place.

“Vaguely sounded”?

How much more like “I don’t care about OBL,” short of the actual words “I don’t care about OBL,” would you consider less than vague? Yes, it’s a Bad Thing that a bogus quote is in play (just like it’s a Bad Thing that there are bogus Kerry quotes in play and it was a Bad Thing that the RNC put bogus Gore quotes in play last election) but while the exact wording of the quote is wrong the sentiment behind it is spot on.

…as opposed to Republican-led total distortions of quotes from prominent Democrats, such as “Al Gore claimed he invented the internet.”