Question for the straight boys about straight porn

Most guys in straight porn, in my limited experience, are at least decent-looking, but not all of them. Ron Jeremy is one of the most successful porn actors out there, and much as he seems charming and funny on talk shows, he’s so hideously ugly with his clothes on that I’d probably choose death over seeing him in all his naked, hairy glory. So straight guys - does it matter to you if the guys in porn are gross-looking? I know you’re not watching in order to see the men’s bodies, but is it a turn-off if the guy is fat and hairy and generally unpleasant to look at? Or does this not matter at all?

I’ve never seen anyone in porn who looks like Ron Jeremy. I still think that’s a hoax.

Most men in straight porn are interchangeable props anyway, and I never pay attention to them. In most cases, I try to block them out. But what I don’t like are the tattooed greasy-looking dirtbags that look like they desperately need showers. I don’t know where they find these guys, but many of them look like the sleaziest club bouncers and bikers that have lost fights and were picked up out of the gutters and alleys they were left in. This is even worse when so many of them seem to throw women around and generally treat them disrespectfully. Anyone who makes a woman look like she isn’t having a good time is going to be a bigger turn-off than any Ron Jeremy performance.

Just an off-the-wall theory but I’ll WAG that the Ron Jeremy’s and the stupid looking Biffs in straight porn have greatly contributed to the popularity of girl-on-girl porn.

Most of the time, I don’t care. If he is particulalry gross (be it from being overweight, waaaaay to hairy, or looks like heneeds several baths) then yeah, it will detract.

But that’s why I generally go for porn with more girls than guys…if any at all! :smiley:

Beside, there’s nothing a chick with a strap on can’t do that a guy can, other than ejaculate, and that’s actually a good thing in my book. Semen = not hot. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’ll echo Big Bad Voodoo Lou’s sentiment. For me, I’d rather the guy disappeared into the background anyway, so it’s his attitude that will get negative attention from me rather than his looks.

What? :confused:

Well, they don’t hire the guys for their looks… there’s a fairly short list of duties on the job description, and “look good” isn’t necessarily high on the list, if it’s there at all.

I think Ron Jeremy himself said that, for men, appearance is not really high on the list of requirements for porn stardom. It is much, MUCH more important that the guy be able to do two things:
[li]maintain an erection for hours on end, and[/li][li]orgasm on command.[/li][/ol]

Yep. That’d be the list.

Given two otherwise equal scenes, one with an attractive dude, one with a fat hairy ugly troll, I’ll take the good looking dude. Yeah, I’m not there for the men, but the guy IS in the frame, so I’m going to see what he looks like from time to time. Watching some big hairy beer belly jiggling around next to a hot actress just doesn’t do it for me.

Even worse are the Extreme Close-up Shots. I don’t like watching porno guy luggage bounce around at the best of times, but when it’s framed by hairy and/or flabby ass cheeks, it’s almost unbearable.

Sayaka Kusunoki did a couple of DVDs that contest even that, for what it’s worth. :smiley:

There’s porn with men in it?

I agree with what’s been said - I pretty much want to guys to be generic looking - i.e., not unusually hairy, or tattooed, or fat, or whatever. Pretty much he just has to be there and perform.

I don’t like the greasy dirtbag tattooed pierced look or the looks-like-somebody’s-dad’s-golf-partner look, or the thug-rapper look or the he’s-obviously-gay-so-why-is-he-getting-the-poon look.

I generally don’t like the guy at all, but I don’t like girl-on-girl, either, so I tolerate the guys. But please pron directors, I know you gotta cut away sometimes, but please…show the wall or some furniture or something, don’t show me some dude making the OMG it’s good! face.

Generally, I don’t pay much attention to the guy at all. As others have mentioned, a big fat guy will usually be a turn-off, as will an extremely hairy guy. Other than that, he’s pretty much a non-entity.

Not being male, I’d assume that some guys (some, NOT all) would prefer to have uglier guys in porn. That would enable them to fantasise - “See, ugly guys can get girls too!” and “Ugly guys CAN star in porn, my dream is not dashed!” I know I’d feel better seeing porn if there were girls in it closer to my level of attractiveness.

Mind you, I haven’t seen a lot of porn myself.

Something that puzzles me. Straight guys who like to watch guys masturbate on a girl’s face. In this particular 7 second video clip, all you can see of the girl is the face, and if you’re not walking around with a boner from seeing faces all day, one can only assume it’s seeing guys jerking off that’s turning you on. Yet when I ask if it would still be a turn-on if the face wasn’t there, the answer is no.


Also confusing are the closeup shots where the most prominent object on screen is the guy’s nutsack jiggling as he screws the woman. I don’t get the point of those closeups, since I can’t imagine most straight guys are eagerly waiting for a shot of the dude’s asshole and balls.

I hadn’t seen any porn for fifteen years, but one of our film channels recently started showing flicks late at night, so I’ve been re-introduced to the genre.

Well, there’s been a complete revolution, hasn’t there? Porn guys today are relatively buff and good-looking. Twenty years ago, a beer gut was par for the course. Puckered, pimply asses with boils were part of the game. Damp, matted hair in the crack was a given. Some guys obviously had issues with toilet paper and its intended use. Close-ups were an absolute nightmare. Today, the guys are youngish, in good shape and completely hairless. They even shave their crotch! Completely! What’s up with that? Back in the seventies, guys proudly sported a full rat’s nest south of the equator.