Question for unmarried gay Dopers: boyfriend vs. partner

So you never ever meet strangers who don’t know that you even have a wife?

My wife’s father is in a long term relationship but they won’t get married for a variety of reasons. We always refer to her as his “Significant Other” and that seems to work. It’s a mouthful, but it conveys all the information needed.

People should start using “sweetie.” It’d be cute :slight_smile:

As an unmarried straight person in a long term relationship, I use partner. We’re not married, husband/wife isn’t correct. We’re not boyfriend/girlfriend, we’ve been together for 20+ years, and we’re both creaping up on 50. Ain’t no boys or girls here. Significant other is to long, SO isn’t known by enough people. So partner it is.

And as far as I’m concerned, it’s none of a strangers business what gender my partner is either.

Although I will admit to using spouse some times, because it’s way easier than explaining to my grandmother’s friends that we aren’t married.

Did anyone else have to Google “U-Haul lesbian”? :x

I always find it slightly confusion when straight couples use ‘partner’, if only one is present I tend to assume that they are gay.

For me it would probably be the circumstances of the introduction and if we lived together, I think.

Still searching for a term, and we just legally got married.

Before we were married, I used the term “partner” - at some age “boyfriend” is a bit silly as we have long since passed the “boy” age.

I just don’t like “husband”…perhaps because “husband and wife” are like “salt and pepper”…you can’t have one without the other. I have tried “gusband” but it hasn’t stuck yet.

So, I still use the term “partner” and, when pressed due to legal reasons, I simply say “we are legally married”.

To me, “partner” means exactly what it should mean - someone who is there by your side, for the long haul, through thick or thin. If others don’t like it - well, tough.

The people I know who do that do it on purpose, as a test to see who makes which assumptions, who asks and who doesn’t say anything straightaway but files the information under “details unknown”.