Question of the Century.....Did Owen Wilson break his nose once or what?

Just wondering (after seeing his preview for Behind Enemy Lines) did Owen Wilson break his nose or smash it? It seems to have a distinct look of someone who caught a brutal right but could not find anything saying he did.
And if this is the question of the century, boy are we in trouble.

I’ve heard on call-in radio that this imperfection actually adds to his attractiveness to women (and it doesn’t hurt that his smile is a perfect match to Montgomery Cliff’s)

No, the question of the century is, “What entertainment industry fathead decided that Pierce Brosnan was the Sexiest Man Alive, or whatever it is?”

According to this, Owen Wilson had his nose broken twice in football games.

I saw him in that movie with Jackie Chan (Shanghai Noon?), and I just wanted to say I thought he had an cool voice and delivery.