Question regarding electioneering law


I just wanted to fact-check whether or not the following article is exaggerating or is correct in its interpretation of electioneering law.
I look forward to your feedback
Sharp-eyed observers have noted that Hillary Clinton violated electioneering laws when she showed up at an early voting site in Raleigh, North Carolina this weekend.

Clinton’s entourage rolled up to the Chavis Community Center and the candidate took selfies with adoring fans while early voting was taking place.

Read more: Just Before Election, Hillary Caught Breaking Election Law

Here (PDF) is the relevant North Carolina statute regarding electioneering activities at polling sites.

So whether or not Clinton violated the law depends on whether she was inside or outside the prescribed buffer zone of that polling site, and potentially whether or not there was an established electioneering area at that site, and whether she was truly engaged in electioneering activities while there.

The article states

But it does not provide a source for the statement that the “entrance” to this polling site is the curbside voting station as opposed to the front door of the building, which is designated the default in the statute.

So if she was within the buffer zone, did she “hinder access, harass others,
distribute campaign literature, place political advertising” - no.

Did she “solicit votes, or otherwise engage in election-related activity” - I’m gonna say, maybe? But if someone makes an issue out of it, probably not.

Thanks friedo. Very helpful.

The main question would be - did she electioneer? Just being a candidate, saying hello and shaking hands, letting people take selfies, probably isn’t electioneering - especially since technically she’s a celebrity. If she said “I’m running for president” or “vote for me”, or handed out pamphlets, maybe she would have crossed the line. I guess the real question is also how much did she “loiter” there?

In Canada, you have to remove all signs, buttons, etc. so there cannot even be campaign material visible within the limit distance; they are much stricter. Plus, depends on the state law wherever she ends up, since each state could be different. But basically, they don’t want hordes of people making voters run the gauntlet and harassed with literature and speeches to get into the polling station.

All states have some sort of electioneering law, some are stricter than others. In my state wearing a Trump hat or Clinton shirt would get you turned away at the polls with the potential of getting arrested if you persist.