My daughter has an ear infection. The pain started a few days ago, and at the time, I was unable to get her to a doctor, or get to a drugstore to get anything for the pain (she’s since been to the doctor and is now on amoxicillin).
I looked on the internet for a home remedy, to relieve the pain until I could get her to a doctor. I saw several recommendations for warm oil (various kinds were suggested). Just a drop or two, and a small bit of cotton.
So, I tried it. And (insert head-scratching smiley here) it worked. I’ll be danged.
My question, though, is why. What kind of properties does warm (not hot, just warm to the touch) oil have as a pain reliever for something like an earache?
I do prefer medication over home remedies, and I doubt I’ll try this again (although when asked about it by my husband, the doctor did say it was okay).
Any of you doctors out there know? Thanks for the help!
I’ve wondered about the oil in the ear remedy myself.
My son just had his first ear infection at 4.5 and before the RX ( Bioxin) kicked in, I was getting a little desperate to releive his pain.)
I would think that the warm oil soothes the ear canal from whatever makes it ache. What kind of oil did you use ( just curious.)
I wasn’t too sure about this for possible problems in the future, so I just put a cold compress on his ear and that calmed him down.
I don’t know how parents with kids with chronic ear infections handle it all the time. 
**Shirley, ** I used apricot oil. But that was because that was what I happened to have on hand. I didn’t have any baby oil (which was also recommended), and the thought of using vegetable oil just didn’t sit right with me.
Cold compresses probably won’t help.
Warm compresses might help.
The oil, and the hair dryer, and the warm compresses help to soften hardened wax, which might be contributing to the pain. It won’t cure the infection, if there is one. An ear cleaning syringe with warm water might do better, although kids generally hate having it done.
Infection is best treated by a physician, and constant pain is reason enough to seek emergency care under a decent medical plan. If yours doesn’t, you should consider changing.
I did try warm compress, it left my son shrieking away from me. He asked for it cold, and I complied and everyone was happy for five minutes.
Apricot oil…what do you use it for in real life do I wanna know? 
Mine does, and indeed I did, as soon as I was able. At the time her pain started, I was simply physically unable to get her to a doctor, or get myself to a drugstore for something else, like Tylenol or Motrin. My daughter is currently taking amoxicillin, prescribed by her pediatrician, as I stated in my OP.
**Shirley, ** I have the apricot oil because it was given to me by former Doper BunnyGirl, as a base for scented oils. 
My understanding was that the oil acts as a slight counter-pressure on the distended eardrum, which is being pushed outwards by the force of the pus in the middle ear. No cite for it, sorry.