Okay, I’m 7 weeks along in my pregnancy. (I started a thread in MPSIMS last week I think, announcing it). I have several pregnancy books I got out of the library, and I have some questions for those of you that have actually been through (or are going through) pregnancy.
-Why do all the books tell you, “As soon as you find out you are pregnant, make an appointment with your OB/Gyn right away!” when in actuality (at least around here), most docs don’t see you until you’re in your eighth week. What’s up with that? (I’ve already seen my gyn, I was having cramps all day last week, went and got a sonogram, everything is fine, got to see the little embryo and hear the heartbeat, which was amazing!)
-Did/does anyone else have problems with their legs or knees? I have had problems with restless legs in the past, now it seems like I get them more often. And also, if I don’t get a chance to sit with my legs stretched out during the day, then by the end of the day, my knees are killing me! We went to see a movie last week and I was in agony the whole time because I couldn’t stretch my legs out. I read in a couple books about a hormone called ‘relaxin’ that is produced during pregnancy, it’s supposed to help the ligaments loosen to make room and all, but apparently it can cause problems with legs and feet. Anyone else have similar problems, and what did you do about it?
-If I’m really feeling like I’m going to throw up, should I let myself, does it make you feel better, or not? I have only thrown up twice so far, I think because my stomach was empty and I hadn’t eaten any crackers before getting up. At first I had this underlying queasiness throughout the day that was manageable as long as I grazed on snacks and ate small meals. Now, I get this overt nausea that comes on in waves, I can’t eat or drink, and I don’t WANT to, then I get hungry, and I still can’t eat because of the nausea! It becomes a vicious cycle, I get nauseous, then hungry, then sicker because I don’t eat. And now, even if I do eat, I still feel yucky afterwards. Normally, I do NOT feel better after I throw up, I don’t know if it’s a ‘YMMV’ kinda thing. What kinds of things helped you, did you feel better after hurling? The only things that seem to help me are taking small sips of ice water, sometimes small sips of cold lemonade, and fresh air. When I start to retch, I take slow, deep breaths, and that seems to help. I just don’t know if it would be better to “let it all out”, as it were!
-PLEASE tell me it gets better! When I’m in the midst of the Queasies I say to myself, “This too shall pass” but boy it’s hard to believe that when you walk around in a nausea-filled haze most of the day! I’ve heard that the second trimester gets better, I’m hoping it does! I worry that I’m not getting enough nutrition right now, I’ve started eating whatever I can manage to choke down (been craving lots of potatos- chips, fries, etc.). My husband says he doesn’t know how I’m surviving on what I eat- I have to eat small portions or I feel sick- but I’m doing the best I can.
Thanks for reading my sorry-ass whining. I feel like I shouldn’t be complaining because I have a friend who is near to term who had hyperemesis (that’s Latin for “major puking”) throughout most of her pregnancy and had to be hospitalized for dehydration a couple times! If you have any advice, or just want to add your early-pregnancy woes, feel free!