Why do schools in Newfoundland and Labrador refer to grades 10-12 as Levels I, II, & III? Also the province secularized it’s schools in 1997; what denominations ran schools before that? Did you need to be a member of a denomination to teach at/or attend it’s schools? What did people who weren’t members of denominations that ran schools do? And can parents (post 97) have their children excluded from religious education classes? Do NL schools have religious assemblies or organized prayers?
That’s news to me, but I moved to Ontario in grade 8.
OK, just asked my mother. When her father was going to school - in the '30s and '40s - they were used. By the time she was in school (60s and 70s), it was already switched to grade-levels, and by the time I was (80s and 90s), it was forgotten.
‘Forms’ is the British system of naming, which is presumably why it was used back then.
Catholic, province wide, and a few areas had Penticostal schools. I think those, and non-religious (aka ‘public’) schools were the only 3 publicly funded. (I’m not 100% on Penticostal being publicly funded, but that was the impression I was left with.) And to clarify a point you seem to have misunderstood, ‘secularising’ the system just involved folding the religious and public systems into one.
Teaching, I don’t know, but probably.
Attending, no. At least not in the whole Catholic system. Most of my class weren’t. I have no idea about the Penticostal schools, or any Catholic schools in other towns. But since they’re likely to be the only schools in small towns, they presumably didn’t, either.
Go to a public school, or go to a religious school of the denomination you considered closer to your own, if the religious education is important. Or, if there was only school, shrug and make sure your kids get the ‘proper’ religious education at home.
If you were in a religious school, you took religion classes - at least none of the non-Catholics at my school were excused, and you had masses/morning prayer, although you could, of course, simply not participate in the latter.
Hi, a Newfoundlander sigining in.
why we have grade 10 11 and 12??, im not sure… the high school I attended called it level one, two or three…but grade 10 11 and 12 were also used interchangeably (grad of 2002)
There were Religious schools. (Roman Cathloic/Penticostal etc…) and public schools…the religious ones were more less the same from what I gathered from my friends who went to them but sometimes they had nuns for teachers.
The last Religion Class i had to take was in Jr high i believe…and I think that may of been optional…when the girls atteneded gym class, boys did Religion… and vice versa. The class wasen’t very intensive…basically watch movies like “The Misson” with Jermy Irons. I Don’t even think these classes exist anymore.
Public high schools do not have religous assemblies or organizes prayers…At least in St. Johns they never. The only thing i remeber that was remotely similar to that was in the year opening assembly in my Grade 11/Level 2 the “Religion teacher” said a prayer about something or other…at the time i remeber it being somewhat odd, as i was a transfer student and ever encountered it at my previous schools.
I hope that sheds some light