Questions Only thread

Dickens, when watching his wife do a '60s dance, shouted “I love 'er twist!”

Was that a question?

Or just a plot twist?

Neither, don’t you think?

Either way, I shouldn’t have posted it in that form, right?

Could you rethink your response next time?

I’m rethinking right now, ok?

Are you through yet?

How much time to I have?

Do you mean “do I have”?

Isn’t it obvious?

Is anything really obvious around here? Other than that question, I mean?

What’s the difference between obvious and really obvious?

Isn’t the answer to that question obvious? Or is it really obvious?

What are you seeing that I’m not?

Why deny the obvious child?

Won’t anyone think of the children?

What children should I be thinking of?

Have you got any of your own, or is that too personal a question here? In which case, will you forgive me and just ignore the question, please?

Do my husband’s nieces and nephews count?