Quick, Giraffe, before some asshole locks this.

Yeah, about that:

We’ve had this discussion in the past. We don’t draw distinctions between real threats, implied threats, hypothetical threats, metaphorical threats, or any other kind of threat. There are few lines you can’t cross in the Pit but this is one of them. No threats.

You forgot imaginary threats.

Seriously, this is really silly. If you want to ban him then just ban him. But there was no threat whatsoever.

ETA: Is this a holdover from this thread: http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?p=10690059#post10690059

Can we continue to discuss this here or do we need to go to the thread **Sapo **started? I am unsure of the rules in this case.

I really think you are wrong in this warning. It is extremely clear cut that no threat was being made. It takes work to see what **Sapo **wrote as a threat. Especially with the banter back and forth between **Colibri **and **Sapo **prior to it and after but before the warning.

We have 60,000 active members?

I don’t think it is specific to that thread. I think it has to do with the fact that I am a normal poster (not a sock or a troll) that has an opinion on admin choices and asks questions they would rather have unasked and unanswered. Not comfortable to have around, but not bannable must be a bit of a pebble in their shoes. A silly thing, really, since most of my questions are not meant to be challenges but straight questions that could be answered with minimal effort if they didn’t feel like playing KGB.

Are we playing here or here?

I know with everything going you’re under a lot stress as it may be more emotional then logically considered. So it’s understandable as an emotional reaction but please reconsider this.

Taken another way.

Another warning like this and I’ll flame you bad. This is threat of some form; will I be warned, or banned?

Nobody is playing, damn it! This is serious.

Winkie in white

Don’t swear at us! Or so help me, I will toast your creme brulee, see if I don’t.

You’re getting confused. It’s serious here, and we’re playing here.

Knock it off or I swear I will stick my tongue at the keyboard the next time I reply to a post of yours.

Please stop. I know you are just playing, but I am really scared they are gonna call your jokes like this a threat and ban you.

It scares me to think we are at the point where this could be a possibility.

Guys you better listen. I don’t think he’s bluffing.

Heh. Don’t derail your own thread, Sapo.

Gold Leader: They’re coming in! Three trolls at 2-10!
[Gold Two is slain by O/T comment and his wingmen; Gold Leader starts to panic]
Gold Leader: It’s no good, I can’t focus!
Gold Five: Stay on topic.
Gold Leader: We’re too close minded!
Gold Five: Stay on topic!
Gold Leader: [shouts] Loosen up!

Considering that story ends with all the Gold pilots in that group blown up and killed, I think your post constitutes a threat, also, mlees.

I mean, presuming you have a small-moon-sized battle station and a fleet of snub fighters to back up the threat.

Who doesn’t?

Unfortunately, I cannot afford the latest in star fighter technology. (I’m saving up for the down payment on a slightly used Death Star.) I had to settle for the old Stilletto class space control shuttles. :frowning:

But my pilots are definately a cocky bunch, full of swagger. Wanted in five systems, some of them.