Quick, sing something else: songs that get stuck in your head

My husband gets me with that one every time. That’s all of the song we know, too.

The whole song, courtesy of The Mudcat Cafe.

Sweet. I knew the first four lines, not just the first two. :smiley:

I can think of worse songs to have to endure but I’m a bit biased as the song makes me think of a specific person whom I like very much.

To each their own, I suppose.

Hey, I like the song–and it also reminds me of someone special–it just plays constantly in my head. :wink:

Well dang it. Thanks to the 80s one hit wonder thread I know have Video Killed the Radio Star bouncing around my cranium…

There’s so much that we share
That it’s time we’re aware
It’s a small world after all.

<< Game Over >>

Geez, what song doesn’t get stuck in my head? Most persistent one lately was “Milkshake” by Kelis. ::shudder::

The all-time champion is “Tom’s Diner” by Suzanne Vega. I’ve given up trying to drive it out, ever, so now whenever I get a different song stuck in my head I just keep humming “Tom’s Diner” until the other one goes away.

Da da dada da da dada da da dada da da dada…

You are truly hellish for mentioning that song.

You picked a fine time to leave me, Lucille
Four hungry children
And the crops in the field . . .

If a particularly annoying song is in my head, that usually drives it out. And at least it makes me chuckle, since my (somewhat deaf as a child) friend confided she used to sing “Four hundred children and the crap in the field.” Kind of reminds you that things could always be worse.

For those of you with young children:

Quack quack quack quack quack, cock-a-doodle-doo
Quack quack quack quack quack, cock-a-doodle-doo
Quack quack quack a-doodley-doo, doodley-doo

I learned all the words to this posthaste, so I could sing it through and banish it.

Oompa loompa doompadee do…

Lately I’ve had several Ramones songs in my head. Damn they’re catchy.

Sheena is…a punk rocker, Sheena is… Sheena is a punk rocker now-ow-ow-ow-ow!

“Coward of the County” by Kenny Rogers. Usually upon waking. Ugh

I can’t open this at this computer (blocked) but I think this is the Kenya song, and if so www.weebls-stuff.com/toons/29/ has been stuck in my head for several days.

Come to Kenya we got Lions (bu da bum da bum)…

No, at least two. Thanks, E-Sabbath. :frowning:

Like a Virgin always gets me.

The Andy Griffith Show whistling is also catchy…and I’ve never even SEEN that show. And Bewitched, too.

Another repeat offender on my list just popped back in my skull to say hi.
Weird Al’s “Polka Your Eyes Out”. Most specifically, I’ll get stuck on this section:

And thus into Metallica, Digital Underground, ending with “I’ll be your ice, ice, baby”, big finish, and right back into the Bel Biv DeVoe part. A never ending cycle of torture to those around me, because how could you not sing along? Again and again and again…
I know its not the most universal song to get stuck in one’s head, but hear me now: Weird Al is one catchy tunesmith.

This happens to me all the time. I think the longest was for about a month and it was Nelly Furtado’s “I’m Like A Bird”. I was waaaaaay too obsessed over it.

A friend and I were walking down the street together back in the 1950’s and started singing, “The evening breeze caressed the trees Tenderly…” at exactly the same time but in totally different keys. It’s not something you forget even after fifty years. Twenty years later I married a man whose mother had been a friend of Rosemary Clooney who had made that song popular.

Ever since I saw today that Billy Joel has married a 23 year old – a woman who wasn’t born when the album The Stranger was released – the lyrics “Don’t go changing to try an please me…” keep running through my mind.