What things get song loops stuck in your head?

Just saw this on cnn.com - and of course now I have that B52’s song stuck in my head.

Also - in Windows XP, right click on an empty part of the taskbar - 2nd to last item - “The Clash”, anyone??

Well, some of the Middle Eastern anti-war chants had a bit of a shuffle to them that reminded me of “Fairies Wear Boots” by Black Sabbath.

Joe K I wish I had Faires Wear Boots stuck in my head, at least that would be a good song.

No since I’m gonna be a bastard I got the damn Pina Colada song stuck in my head during swimming this morning, now all together now

If you like Pina Coladas…

I’m running a “Medieval Odyssey” week over Spring Break at my school, sort of a camp. One of the things we are focusing on is King Arthur…and I’ve had the Camelot song from The Holy Grail in my head for the past three weeks…

We eat ham and jam and spam a lot!!!