Quick US Geography Opinion ( pad your post count )

This question came up in 1 of the Civil War threads over in GD.
What part of the country do you consider Maryland to be?
If you want to explain your reasoning that’s great. If not that is fine too. What I am looking for is your opinion and your location.

Maryland is part of the South.
Western PA

Part of the East Coast.


We were always taught that Maryland, like New Jersey, is Mid-Atlantic. If you’re looking for its place in the North-South dichotomy, I think the Mason-Dixon line makes it South, but I’ve always thought of it as North. South begins in Virginia. I hope that’s confusing enough.

Living in Massachusetts, but raised in New Jersey.

Maryland is in the South.
I’m a New York yankee.


Maryland is a Mid-Atlantic state.

It is neither north nor south.

I’m in Chicago, but from New York.
My fiancee is from Maryland.

I consider it NorthEast.

I’m from Chicago.
I’m also an idiot. :smiley:

Oh, the grand old Duke of York,
He had ten thousand men;
He marched them up to the top of the hill,
and he marched them down again.
And when they were up, they were up,
and when they were down, they were down,
and when they were only half way up,
they were neither up nor down.

Maryland is in the South.
I’m in Kentucky.

When I was growing up in Nebraska I thought of it as Southern. When I went to college in the south, I thought of it as a “border state”. In Michigan, now, I’d probably call it “east coast” or “mid atlantic”

I always considered Maryland to be in the East. But then I don’t normally consider Maryland at all.

Whoops, I forgot to mention that I am in Wisconsin.

I guess I’m the first Marylander to reply…

Anyway, we’re in the mid-Atlantic. Close enough to the northeast and also to the south.

I like knowing there’s a river separating me from a state where they still proudly bear signs stating that “Union soldiers were hanged here in 186_”. That’s really important to me when I decided to live in Maryland rather than Virginia. That sign I mentioned, by the way, is in Falls Church, VA, a mere eight miles from my apartment in Rockville, MD.

Maryland is mid-Atlantic IMO, but I’m from New York, the center of the world, so what do I know…

Maryland is in the South.

But I’m from Maryland, and my opinion upon such is biased by the fact that I like to consider myself a Southerner.

Maryland is in the overlap between the south and the Mid-Atlantic. It is both southern and Mid Atlantic.

Rural maryland is definately southern, but Baltimore and Annapolis are “northern” cities in their political leanings. Oh, and Western Maryland is neither north nor south, it’s Appalachia.

I live in chicago now, but went to college in Delaware and thus had an intimnate knowledge with Maryland. And I do realize that I am hedging quite a bit.

This mid-atlantic thing is a copout. Perhaps Maryland doesn’t share the civil war guilt as certain unnamed other states. Nevertheless it is more south than north.

I have heard even New York called mid-atlantic, merely because it is not part of New England. Should New York and Maryland be categorized together? I don’t know. Thoughts?


I used to live there more than a few years ago.

Maryland is in the South.
Connecticut is where I sit and pass judgement now.

or Mid-Atlantic depending on what my options are. But I’m in Delaware and I consider it North.

Yes I know it’s strange considering I’m actually east of Maryland. But Delaware just feels more north then Maryland.

And I’d like to point out that I have not yet taken offense to anything that Maeglin has posted in this thread. I’m almost disappointed.

Then I guess I’m not doing my job, jackass. :slight_smile:
