Quick -- who played the lead role in....


In the Name of the Father?

That Aflac guy?[list]:confused:

Daniel Day-Lewis?

In the Name of the Father: Daniel Day-Lewis.

Dunno any Drunks.

Don’t know the Aflac guy.

BTW, these are 2 different actors.

Yes! Daniel Day-Lewis is correct. Now I’m thinking the Drunks guy is Richard Lewis.

Mmmm; I thought you were warning me. DRUNKS!

Sorry, don’t know him. Was Faye Dunaway [sp] in that film?

Yes, the Drunks star was Richard Lewis. The IMDB is your friend.

Thanks. IMBD is an excellent site.

IMDB is the best site for entertainment trivia on the web. Always consult it first.

A bit of confusion here:

AFLAC is an Insurance Company, with bizarre commercials featuring a duck quacking their name.

Ben Affleck won an Academy Award for writing Good Will Hunting with his friend Matt Damon. He is currently convalescing with Robert Downey, Jr. and Paula Poundstone.