If this “great” subscription plan goes ahead, it’s curtains for this board. What makes these boards so great are the people on here.

Don’t bite the hand that feeds you.

As soon as this board becomes ‘paid users only’, an alternative board will rise to the surface and SDMB will be dead.

You are kidding yourselves if you think this plan will work.

This is such a played out discussion. It’d be best if you just had a mod close this thread before it gets out of hand with the same people hurling the same trite, boring insults at the same people.


[Cordelia]This is so last week.[/Cordelia]


We really aren’t feeding them, though. Actually, as they’re the ones providing us with a free service, just the reverse is true. I guess they’re just going for the idea of selling the food, instead of providing it for free.

“The reports of our death have been greatly exaggerated.”