Rachel Ray: terrorist

Boy those conservatives! They sure as hell are endearing attacking such crazy lunatic liberals like…Rachel Ray?

Seriously…Rachel Ray is many things and I could personally come up with a lot of things that I don’t like about her, but she’s harmless. This is pure idiocy.

Michelle Malkin is hot.

Fucking retarded.

Rachel Ray has an annoying voice that I find oddly sexy.

What does Evoo even mean?

If you’re serious, it’s an acronym for Extra Virgin Olive Oil.

Maybe DD just realized that the scarf looks totally dorky with that outfit? Because as fashion it does look like a crime against humanity.

I always thought of virginity as a binary. What makes something ‘extra’ virgin?

You fucking kidding me? She’s barely more palatable than Ann Coulter.

No handjobs.

And Michelle Malkin hasn’t a brain in her head.

Whoa now, hold on there. I agree Michelle Malkin is hideous, but at least she’s a woman.

To be fair, there are actual keffiyehs worn (and that look) like that.

But still, to say that it’s a sign of, or encouragement of, anything whatsoever is idiotic to the nth degree. I mean, at least the Che t-shirts actually SHOWED CHE ON THEM.

I think it’s a form of terrorism to bring up terrorism unnecessarily. I’m beyond tired of it.

When I was in high school in Israel in the late 1970s some of my fellow students wore keffiyehs, so what’s the big deal?

Which might be something if she wasn’t Italian.

Rachel. Annoying as they come, but Og help me, I dig her.

This is so stupid that the word stupid has filed suit with the FCC to stop being used to describe this incident.

Someone commenting on a La Presse blog said, Heaven help Michelle Malkin if she ever comes to Quebec in the wintertime. So many scarves her brain will explode.

Choose your snarky comment:


Quick! Let’s take up a collection to send her to Quebec this January!


That’d have as much firepower as a wet firecracker.

Oh, a Baylor girl!

Everytime I see MM, I am reminded of the mid-60’s snackfood, Screaming Yellow Zonkers.

And the racism starts.

Followed immediately by the hypersentive offenderatti.

That’s even worse! :stuck_out_tongue: