Rachel Ray: terrorist

She seems like a nice lady, that Rachel Ray. My mom met her and she said she was very polite. I like watching her cook, not because she’s good looking, but because she acts like she could be your friend. She talks a bit much for my tastes though. Her husband’s a lucky man.

Remember, Michelle Malkin was in the forefront of those screaming about the “hidden Islamic crescent” in the proposed Flight 93 memorial. In other words, she already has a known history of seeing dangerous enemies (cue dramatic music) in every corner and every shadow.

Who will be her next Emmanuel Goldstein? McCain? Obama? That swarthy-looking guy who cut in front of her at the grocery store? No one knows!

Virgin olive oil is from the first pressing of the olives. Extra virgin is cold-pressed.

Female terrorists no doubt wear bras, Ms. Malkin. Better get it off right now or I’m turning you in.

This crap is Dylan’s John Birch Society Blues come to life.

I was following clues in my detective bag
When I discovered there were red stripes in the American flag.
Oh, Betsy Ross!

I am moved to take the contrary.

Why is it DD’s responsibility to be brave in the face of possible controversy? What would this mean for their bottom line? (And on that note, who do you suppose knows more about what it would mean for their bottom line–us at the SDMB or them with their accountants and whatnot?)

There are ethical standards corporations should be held to. But I’m not sure the virtue of bravery is one of them.


Rachael Ray isn’t nearly as hot as that other Food Network chef… ah, what’s her name? The Italian woman…

Found it! No wonder I had a hard time remembering:

Giada Pamela De Laurentiis

For the record, Malkin is also the pundit who wrote an entire book celebrating the internment of Japanese-Americans during WW2. She did it mostly just to justify current positions on internment of citizens and quasi-residents and “combatants,” which makes even less sense when I think about it.

EDIT: I just realized that the Wiki photo of her is extremely unflattering. Try a Google image search instead.

I suspect she’ll remain silent, proving my theory that Tim Horton’s is behind this whole smear campaign

Next blog: Krispy Kreme: appeasers!

Well, Timmy Ho is Canadian, after all. Fucking socialists.

You know who’s ALSO Canadian? Terrorists.

Eh, the Limey bastards started it all with their hot beverage and baked product culture. AND some of 'em wear the damned scarf… sneaky Limey/Aussie bastards*. It’s a British plot to take over the world (again!).

*[House] You put the queen on your money; you’re British[/House]

Because had they ignored it, there would be no controversy. Maybe some weird wingnuts would have not bought DD, but it would have been relatively small. Instead, they:

Spent what was likely in excess of half a million dollars producing a commercial

Scraped it so they wouldn’t piss off stupid right wing offenderati

Got a lot of press - so now everyone knows how stupid they were

By getting press managed to piss off people who find the idea that a scarf many of us wore in college (I had one) is a sign of terrorist support. Its been a goddamn fashion item for decades.

And probably lost more sales from the second group than would have ever paid any attention to Malkin’s rant.

And that is an unethical use of shareholder resources and franchisee funds. It takes selling a LOT of donuts and coffee to make a TV commercial.

Rachel Ray is hotter.

Yassir Aracat!

Now that we know firsthand that Dunkin Donuts is a terrorist threat, I don’t think we have any choice but to invade Krispy Kreme and start torturing people.

Watch your language. When we pull out fingernails, we call it “a manicure”.

Well she might be nucking futs but that’s no different than half the women I’ve been with. I’d bang her until her crazy head popped off. Just sayin’

Of course, this is exactly the reason sensible people wouldn’t be offended, but we’re not discussing those people. I’ll tell you who should really be offended here: my Communist brother. He’s been wearing a keffiyeh for years as a show of solidarity with Palestine and nobody cares (although it helps that we can usually talk him out of wearing the thing outside the house). Rachel Ray wears one sorta-keffiyehish-looking scarf and it’s the end of the world, but Communists can’t get the time of day these days.

Doesn’t that get a bit messy?

Is that Latin for “trolling”?

No, I think “offenderatti” is the Latin for “those who have been trolled”.

Nice comment GB ! Way to boil it right down to the bone, Sir !

You sure you’re not a comedian? :smiley: