Radio stations...MUST you play that crap?

There’s a new live version of Rush’s ‘Spirit of the Radio’ getting airplay in Austin, and probably elsewhere. It is a fucked up performance and a shitty recording. The sound quality is tinny, and horribly mixed - all the instruments kind of muddled together, the guitar just this buzz in the background. And Geddy’s voice?? Holy shit - not only does he have to pause for breath every two lines and hurry to catch up, but the notes he manages to sing are off-key! Picture it - Geddy Lee’s cat strangling voice off-key. Brrrrrrr!

OK, the boys want to play and people pay to see them, great. But to play a recording of a crappy live performance on the radio is asinine! There’s already both a great studio and live version of this song… Why do the radio guys insist on playing this new shit version?? And this is the second time I’ve heard it on this station. I could maybe see playing it once and having people come in and tell the dj ‘do not play that crap again’. WTF???

I get the same feeling every time I hear that live ‘Maybe I’m Amazed’ where Paul has to go low because he can’t hit that high note anymore. I know the band wants the royalties, but can’t they play the version that doesn’t suck??

Three letters my friend:


Let National Public Radio set you free of crappy, repetitive pop music, aggravating commercials and anuerysm-inducing dee-jay patter.

Just this morning my local station had a superb interview with Dr Robert Ballard, the oceanographer and explorer (the guy who discovered the location of the Titanic - no, it wasn’t James Cameron). Yesterday morning, David Breashears (he did the IMAX film about Everest in '96) was talking about his new IMAX film about Mount Kilamanjaro. Great stuff.

Bob Ballard? COOL! I love Ballard-I have a couple of books on lost liners and such. I loved his books on the Titanic and the Lusitania.

Yeah, and you can hear his interview (and Ballard’s, too) on NPR’s website in the Weekday show’s archives.

Oops! I guess Ballard’s show isn’t posted yet. It’ll be up tomorrow.

got broadband?
get winamp and listen to their shoutcast stations online.
of course I have a good sound card and my pc is wired to my stereo but hey.