Does this piss you off?

Have you noticed that when one of these one hit wonder bands pop up (they do constantly) they play their song on the radio like 30 times a day, then the next song they come out with (if it’s good or not) they shove it down our throats and play it 30 times a day. I hate this practice. I wish half this shit was not shoved down our throats and blasted all over the airwaves!
anybody agree? disagree? add something?

If at first you don’t succeed you’re about average.

I’ve got one of those new-fangled radios with a knob on it that lets me change the station.

ROFLMAO :smiley:

My problem is that the only local station that played alternative rock decided to go pop. So, now everyone is either pop or classic in the rock dept. It does no good to change the station. :mad: The next station is going to play the same song before it ends on the first station. Sorry, I have to agree with, Silo, it pisses me off.

Why don’t you get a walkman?

[Frustrated musician hat ON]

I would just once like to be that one hit wonder. ::sigh::

[Frustrated musician hat OFF]

Eagles may soar, but weasels don’t get sucked into jet engines.
Delta-9 Home Page

Well, I wish I could change the radio station here at work. Where I work at is in some sort of shadow. I only get three F.M. stations. (If I go to the top of the hill, I can get about 12 stations.) One plays ‘classic’ rock, one plays goat roppin’ music (country) and the other is a Mix station. All three suck!

delta 9:

if you’re a gabber dj/musician from the midwest, you’re popular (with me and some friends)
if you’re a guitar/bass/drum/vox musician from elgin (like your web page says), i guess not…

This is why I don’t listen to the radio or watch MTV. I’m seriously getting a little out of it with pop music (which is in some ways sad because I’m still only 17, and in other ways glorious). I honestly don’t even know who half of these “artists” are anymore. For new music, I rely a lot on word of mouth, reviews, etc. Not that listening to pop radio would really help me discover new music anyway.

“History will be kind to me, for I intend to write it.” -Winston Churchill

Just turn the knob and say, “Bye. Bye. Bye.”*

*For those who do not have young girls, it’s a really bad reference to a new 'NSync song.

You should ride in the car with me! Instead of the radio, I just sing! You’d love it :smiley:

From an actual catalog: “Disco balls create an enchanting, dazzling effect of light shafts, adding movement and glamour to any occasion”
the Abrams’ bris was certainly memorable
O p a l C a t


What I really hate is when people are singing along, and they don’t know the words to a line or verse, so they just sorta mumble through it. Uck.

OR possibly what truly gripes me is that in my area, we used to have some really fuckin’ killer stations. We had Mix 93.3, which had a pretty good lineup, we had 95.7, which was too damn 12 year old girl oriented, we had 98.9 which was album rock, 102.1 which was alternative/rock, and 105.9 which was college oriented alternative. Wonderful lineup! The summer of '98 was good to us.

THEN 102.1 went easy listening. Our kingdom began to crumble. 93.3 shifted to a more pop oriented mix. Balustrades bent and shifted. 105.9 was bought by CBS or some other Godawful conglomerate. Grand spires fell earthward. Mancow in the Morning, why have you forsaken us!?

Now, as I sit with my aureal castle in rubble around me, I clutch 98.9 and pray for change. And weep. Silently, I sit amongst the rocks of my beautiful castle, my radio palace, and pray for the day that I can again arise to Mancow Mueller. I hope, and wait. And maybe, one day, a beautifus eclipse will grace the sky, harkening back to a better day. We shall rebuild this castle, this radio palace, and in it we shall dance to wonderful music. Wonderful, wonderful music.

Until this day, I weep, and pray.


You can’t accidently create a handicapped baby whilst smoking pot.

No does not piss me off. Don’t listen, change the station, get a life.


Tim, are you from KC? If not, there a rock radio twin universe of your area in KC. do, do, do, do, do, do, do, do :smiley: (I did NOT throw that rock through 105.9’s window! Sure I ranted and raved when they switched formats, but I did not resort to violence.)

These one hit wonders and annoying boy bands must go. This I agree with. I have to admit that I can’t wait for the next pretty blond girl to break on the scene. As a matter of fact, I pray that they stick around and make lots and lots of videos. Actually I think that videos that the pretty blond girls make would be better if they didn’t play their actual song. If they could play someone else’s music during their videos, I think that MTV could become my own personal utopia.

The computer has brought more problems to man then any other invention in history. That is unless you consider Tequilla an invention.

If you’re wondering why the second song is never as good as the first, its because the band had their whole lives to write the first hit, and only about ten monthes to write the second. And not just any ten monthes, but a constantly touring-playing-driving -freebasing-carousing-fornicating-crazy ten monthes that allowed little time for actual songwriting. I could also launch into a tirade about how the music industry pumps and dumps these bands leaving them hi and dry with little to show for their short term success. Or I could point out the fact that most of the music we hear on the radio is not chosen by A&R types but rather by MUSIC LAWYERS who don’t base their decisions on musical taste, but rather on marketability and image (something that has become increasingly important in the era of MTV). So if you’re wondering why most of the stuff on pop radio sucks, the answer is the root of all evil - money. Is that bitter enough for a frustrated musician?

I feel much better since I’ve given up hope.

It used too, until I got my CD player.

You say “cheesy” like that’s a BAD thing.

I really don’t let it bother me as much as I used to. I figure that for every boy band/one hit wonder out there, there is at least five really fucking great bands. Once the cute boys get older, they won’t be so “cute” anymore. And then they will be replaced by another band, and the cycle continues.

“I say God DAMN!”

I like listening to music on the radio because of the random nature of the programming. I’ve never been a big collector of CD’s, so by tuning in to the radio, I can enjoy a variety of music without making a big investment.

That being said, how does one avoid the blatant promotion of the latest “big hitz”? I recently discovered internet radio stations like Just like the broadcast stations, only no commercials. I can choose from dozens of different programs and mixes. I listen to it all the time now, even if I’m not at the computer. Of course, this won’t work in the car or outdoors, but at least it is a choice.


“It is better to know some of the questions than all of the answers.”
–James Thurber

Yeah, it really pisses me off too. When Beethoven wrote his 5th symphony, it was really great, but when he wrote the next one, they kept on shoving down our throats. What’s up with that? :wink:

This is why I am so blissfully grateful that I do not listen to pop/rock music, especially not pop/rock radio. I see no reason why I have to listen to the same fricken’ song every three hours, which seems the standard MO with most radio stations these days. Hell, I get bent out of shape if I hear the same musical piece on Classical radio within a week - I would go bonkers hearing it every three hours!

This is why they invented radio dials, and CD players and walkmans. You don’t have to put up with it.

actually, most boy bands don’t write their own music at all…and most of the time, the album is completed long before any single is released…so most of the songs have been written, recorded, and pressed before the first single is released…most of the time.

actually, i’d like to see how music lawyers choose the music. maybe i have a warped idea of what they do…but i thought radio consultants and programmers make the decisions based on surveys and research and charts (based on surveys and research)…


well, i’ve seen more bitter…but are you sure that you aren’t frustrated for the wrong reasons?