Rage at the Grocery store...

Sorry, ignore the original note here. This post was fine, and I shouldn’t moderate first thing in the morning.

I wonder how long it will be before one of us cooks up a shopping trip by Hitler using the Downfall rant clip. :smiley:

It saddens me that there are people who actually gave legit responses to this thread after failing to see through Obvious Troll’s trolling. Come on, people. This guy isn’t even trying that hard.

Do not go gentle into that Food Lion,
Aldi’s should have more sales at close of day;
Rage, rage against Winn-Dixie and Fred Meyer!

Granted the OP went on to say s/he hates kids, but what in the OP made you think “great, another child-hater”?

I found this statement entertainingly ironic.

I’ll go with the following quotes:

“Leave your goddamned kids at home. No one wants to hear them scream like they’ve been stuck with a hot branding iron because you won’t buy them sugary junk or the No-Panty Barbie.”


“There should be millions more abortions and mandatory sterilization for people this stupid.”

Geez, way to flaunt your reading comprehension, you not humble person, you. You know who else had adequate reading comprehension skills? HITLER, that’s who!

I think I’m going to wake my kids up from nap time and take them to Costco now. Hopefully they’re offering energy drinks on sample so I can block the aisle for 8-10 minutes and load them up on sugar for free.

You are a very sick person.
You should seek professional help from your Physician, Psychiatrist or Clergyman immediately.


In Scientology, that would be one person, you thetan you.

And He/She/It would have all your money.
That’s Lawyers for normal people.

Dear God, THINK OF THE PIZZA!!!one!

ETA that I’m a little impressed that our OP still has the “guest” tag attached.

So curlcoat isn’t Hitler? I need to think about this.

It doesn’t take a child hater to not want to listen to them scream, nor do I take it as child hating to not want really stupid people to be reproducing. I also find it interesting that people jump on what the OP said about kids but nothing about the rest.

It’s his emphasis on children that has made people jump. He keeps using the word “breeder” like it’s a racial slur.

Personally, I suspect he’s a sock

Yes, he did that later, I was just wondering why suranyi jumped to child-hater based just on the OP.

Well, the guy came in tearing the board up with posts like this one in a different thread:

Suryani probably searched him. It’s an easy search to do. Just click on the username and then click “find all posts by”. Our OP posted more than twenty posts in his first day here (that should tell you something right there) and almost all of them were about how he hates kids and loves abortions. I’m thinking suranyi picked up on that.

The guy is a sock and a troll. Don’t let him pull your strings, curlcoat.

No, but child haters focus on screaming as though it’s the only thing that kids ever do. They want kids to stay inside their own homes, they shouldn’t play in their own yards, or in a park, nor should they go shopping with their family, because the child might then be heard by people other than their own parents.

Babies crying in a Costco? Have you ever been in one of those places when it’s busy? Cacophony. It’s a huge open space with 1,000 people talking and shopping and loading large boxes into their carts. The place sounds like the fucking monkey house at the zoo. A child hater picks out the one kid crying and acts like it’s ruining his zen like shopping experience.

I thought she was Goebbels. I have to go check my scorecard.