Rage at the Grocery store...

Oh, c’mon, guys, he’s just saying what we’re all thinking. :slight_smile:

The best part is the impotent rage. So angry, but there’s nothing he can do about it, and the target of his anger would happily tell him to eat a shit sandwich before they change a single thing about their shopping habits.

He’s not even going to get a “I didn’t realize that was annoying.” or “Maybe I’ll try it a different way next time”, it’s just “Get fucked, asshole.” and “I’m glad you hate kids, it means your genetic line dies with you.”
Edited to add: I go to Costco every week with my wife and 3yo son, suck on that.


Look, we all get that the OP sounds like a blockhead, is not too great a pitter, and is possibly a troll. But everyone who dislikes being around children is literally worse than Hitler? Isn’t that a bit extreme?

For the record, I like kids, so it isn’t like I’m biased on the side of “child-haters” here. Just… How many reasonable people actually think this is a decent thing to say?

Racist =/= Hitler

Hitler may have been a racist, but I kind of figure he sets the bar for the worst kind of racist, to be somewhat distinguished from your crappy neighbor who doesn’t like black people.

I’d give you some Kleenex to dry your pre-emptive tears of grief, but there’s a whole extended family snarfing down the Easy Cheez samples in the paper products aisle and I can’t get to them.

Reported* for being sane and rational in the pit :stuck_out_tongue:

*no, not really

I’ve never been in a Costco (none around here), but there are discount supermarkets and I can see the OP’s point. I’d love to save a few dollars at the discount place, but the majority of the shoppers are large groups with crazed kids. So I drive an extra mile and pay more just to avoid the experience.

Cue voice of Morbo:

And that is why you humans will always be weak and puny.

LOL, let me guess. School is out, mom is at work and you’re bored.

Kids can be fucking annoying. I don’t hate them, not by a long shot, but I’m not generally thrilled to be around them. On that level I can understand this rant.

However, most of us realize that they have a right to exist as much as anyone else, and sometimes parents have to bring their kids to the grocery store. I know it’s only a matter of time before I am that parent annoying some young single person, so I try to take my own discomfort with a grain of salt.

Also, I fucking hate the grocery store. Not just for the kids, but the people in general. So many freakin’ people, so much noise and stress. Not a happy place for someone who is a little agoraphobic. This is why my husband does the shopping and I do the cooking.

I not only bring my own children shopping, I round up extras for the trip. Nieces, nephews, neighbour’s kids, friend’s kids. There’s nothing in the world more fun and relaxing than grocery shopping with half a dozen kids.

Hm, running around screaming, frequently damaging items that they are not going to be buying, running into people, leave them at home, or learn to discipline them. I do not have to love your pwecious liddle snoflake.

And FYI, I have 6 goddaughters that learned to behave and I have no doubt that they will teach their kids when they arrive to act like humans instead of little animals.

Do we have any kind of information regarding the shopping habits of one Mr. Hitler? How did he feel about bringing (non-Jewish) children to the store?

Leashes and muzzles.

And y’all pipe down. I’m trying to subscribe to 5f4super’s newsletter.



See, here’s the thing. If you’re in a hurry, there are lots of places that cater to you. They are called convenience stores, and I’m betting there’s one on the corner. There are also smaller grocery stores which cost a tiny bit more than CostCo, but where you can also shop faster.

CostCo is not intended to be a place to shop quickly. It’s cheap, and huge, and efficient in the long run if you plan ahead and do all your shopping for the month. But this trip won’t be fast.

Given the level of your ire, I’m guessing that a smaller, quicker, more expensive store might be worth the money. You could save the difference in blood pressure medicine alone.

Good point.

Jesus, it’s stupid day at the Pit.

Now you can’t take your kids to fucking Costco? Christ, who will they sell all the $1 hot dogs and churros to if you ban kids?

I’ve only seen him once at the Kroger, but he was a bit… odd. First thing he did was to tear into the Kielbasa. He took like half of the store’s entire stock. Next he headed over to the bakery and very quickly seized every single baguette while screaming something in German. He then filled up his cart with some random ethnic foods that I can’t remember (I do remember him taking belgian waffles, does that count as ethnic?) before he slammed into a stock boy refilling the condiment aisle and was crushed by a crate of Russian Salad dressing.

That wasn’t him. He was the guy with the wig and dark glasses buying the bagels.

I’m not talking about people who dislike being around children. I’m talking about people who hate children to the extent that:

– The sight of any child, even one in a photograph, disgusts them.
– They want children banned from even normal activities, like family restaurants, or economy seats in airplanes.
– They break all relationships with their previously close friends and relatives once they decide to “breed”.

To be perfectly clear, I’m also not talking about people who choose not to have children of their own. That’s a perfectly legitimate choice which someone could make for any number of reasons. Child-hatred is something else.

The reason I think it is similar to racism is because it is hatred of somebody because of what they are (a child) rather that because of anything they are doing.