Random Bits of the Weekend

Getting up Saturday Morning
Me: Jake I hope you haven’t been drinking from the bottom of this cup!
Mouse_Spouse: I used it.
Me: That’s fine. I’m ok with sharing germs with you. You don’t lick your ass.
*Anyone got a cat that likes “exotic” water? I clean and fill the water bowl everyday, but the boys insist on drinking out of unattended glasses (sticking their head far down a cup for a few drops :confused: ), pots soaking in the kitchen sink, and licking water off the leaves of house plants. *

A friend in the backseat of my car:
There’s a last will and testament back here! Is there something about your driving I need to know about?

Talking to about our trip to the UK
Me: Mouse_Spouse and I and left out of Edinburgh airport. We got pulled aside by security. The night before, we packed our souvenirs in the take-on bags. Spouse had a set of crystal glasses in his bag and I had a whiskey flask. A Scottish woman went through my bags and patted me down. She even patted my chest! Then she asked, “What sort of bra are you wearing?”
“It’s a push-up bra.”
“Does it contain fluids?”
“No.” The Scots nearly confiscated my undies!

Breakfast with friends and their kids.
After we finished eating, we went outside to talk. Mouse_Spouse playfully grabbed my nephew and spun him around.
Nephew’s mom: Just so you know, he’s got a weak stomach.
That put an end to the horsing around – poor nephew.
Clarification: My best friend and I met because she was dating my brother. They had a kid – the nephew. They broke up, we remained friends. A few years up the road, she met a great guy with a young daughter. They lived together and married. The daughter has known me since she was two – she’s 8 now – I consider her my niece. It can be confusing.

Tormenting cats.
The boys" claws get clipped every-other week. We were out of food treats so I gave them catnip.
Astrix got really wound up after having a bit of nip. He tried to attack Elwood , the big-bad tripod he usually avoids.
Me: Wow. You’re a mean drunk, cat.

How was your weekend? :slight_smile:

I caught Lucretia washing her paws in my ice water one morning. :eek: I don’t leave drinks unattended anymore.

Apparently not as exotic as yours. Go Mouse_Maven, getting some action from the Scottish lady! hehe.


I was at an all-day track meet on Saturday and got a little sunburned on my face. Stupid clouds lulling me into a false sense of security. When I came home, I made a remark of upping my chances about getting skin cancer. (my dad’s family has a history of melanomas.)
My mom’s response: You look good with a little color.
Me: :dubious:

Whoa! I think Lucretia is a key figure in the Tabby Conspiracy. That’s the best “feed me or die” look I’ve seen in years.

:stuck_out_tongue: Only if she’s wearing a kilt! Hummmm, sporrans. :smiley:

Mundane and Pointless, may as well post it here

Here at work, we have a very intelligent and driven young grad student. He gets on my nerves occasionally because he gets bored easily and wants to move on to other projects before the one he started is finished. He is also well known for having a large vocabulary and using obscure words. (There is nothing wrong with this, it’s more of a “save it for better time and place” situation.)

Grad student is going to give a presentation on his research this week. He was showing me what he had done so far.
Me: Are you familiar with H.P. Lovecraft?
GS: No. Who is he?
Me: A horror-fiction writer. One defining characteristics of his work is the use of antiquated terms to describe modern technology. “Lovecraftian” is a term used to describe fiction that contains some of the conventions he created. I’ve read a few of these works, but this is the first example of non-fiction I’ve seen.

Our cats like the “exotic” water, too, preferably if we left a tap running for them all day and night (yeah, that isn’t happening). Every water glass left unattended for a couple of minutes must be assumed to have been sampled by kitties. I have a heated foot spa-bath thing - Jim’s cat thinks this is the best water dish in the world!

We had a very nice weekend, but all of our home teams lost their games. :frowning: