Random Food-Related Confessions

Thank You,
This will be in the pot for tommorrows dinner!

Well, I was about to slice off a hunk of the delicious cake my daughter made, but after reading your post, I’m reaching to move the garbage can closer to my computer in case I RETCH. :::shudder::: :frowning:

I just can’t eat coconut. I just can’t stand it. I will eat it if I can’t tell it’s there, but in that case, why put it in food? I also cannot eat raw tomatoes or onions. I hate celery deeply. On the other hand, pickles are divine. I drink pickle juice happily. My favorite candy is caramel. I love eating Sugar Daddy bars, although they play havoc with my teeth. I love cheese and I dip many things in honey mustard. I would sell my body and soul for Pringles.

You are not alone. My friend and I will get the cans of spray cheese and a box of crackers, and spend an afternoon eating all that cheese and crackers. I’ve gotten extremly good at making spray cheese designs that I spend 5 minutes on, only to be eaten as soon as they are done. I once dared my brother to chug a can of spray cheese. He did it, then promply became sick.

I put ketchup on my grilled cheese sandwhiches.

I eat whipped cream straight from the can.

After my family has a turkey dinner with mashed potatoes and such, I make a sandwhich on white bread with turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy. Yummmmmmy. Best consumed past midnight while reading the Dope.

Ah yes. I also love colbey jack cheese and pepperoni sandwhiches. It will give me heartburn for the rest of the day but is definitely worth it.

I looooooooooove eating condensed milk straight from the can. I’ll eat it on bread (sweet french is best, as long as it’s very very fresh and has a soft crust), I’ll pour it into Coke or 7-Up, mix it and drink it, I’ll pour myself a bowl of cornflakes and pour about half a can of condensed milk onto the cornflakes so it makes a big ol’ gooey mess (this is also fun to do with Rice Krispies…or Cocoa Pebbles)…

My favorite thing to do with condensed milk? Boil the hell out of an unopened can (warning: do NOT try this at home, kids! Boiling unopened cans is very, very dangerous!!) for about 4-5 hours and making the world’s best dulce de leche. Yummy.

I like Doritos and cottage cheese. :cool:
I like to toast and crush sesame seeds, add them to Hellman’s (no other will do) and use that as a dip for all things green- asparagus (only fresh, no canned stuff), artichoke, even added to spinach.

When we were kids, we ate pickle and mustard sandwiches on white bread. I’m not sure if this is because we were poor or weird.

Did anyone else make fried bologna sandwiches? Fried in BBQ sauce? Should I confess to this?