The job itself isn’t the problem. I like it. I really really like it. It’s paying me more than I’ve ever been paid before, terrific benefits even for a contractor like me, great people, great location. My manager cares about my professional development and has had my back a time or two, isn’t shy with praise, and makes sure our workload is reasonable. The atmosphere is pretty easygoing (though deadlines loom as much as any other workplace). I like it here, as I said.
So of course, my contract ends at the end of October, and I still haven’t found out about my status beyond that. I wouldn’t mind an extension at all, but I’d really love to be converted. Trouble is, a/the decision maker has said something to my manager that envinces some reluctance in general to convert contractors to full timers. I’m already not participating in projects I’d love to be part of because my job isn’t yet guaranteed to November.
My manager definitely knows how I feel about the job. She’s already out in an evaluation/recommendation of unknown content, as has her manager. I think (and this is colored by personal filter, both good and bad) I’m doing a good job; at least, I haven’t gotten major complaints about my work in one on one meetings with my manager. I get the sense that they definitely do still need me as a body (although there’s no guarantee it has to be me, of course).
So I’m in suspense and feel a little stuck. I’m contracting directly with the company, so I don’t have an agency rep to prod, and I’m not sure if it would do more harm than good anyway. I’m dealing for now, but like I said, suspense, especially as October gets closer.
I do need the job, yes, but like I said, I like it, and I don’t want to leave it. I know it’s valuable experience and a great resume item (not to mention the $$$), but I’m concerned I may be spoiled by my current situation as well.
Vent over. Do I feel better for writing it out? Not sure, but what the hell.