Inspired by this presidential rankings thread Rank and Rate the Presidents - In My Humble Opinion - Straight Dope Message Board
I thought it would be fun to be go more in depth with our armchair analysis of the 43 men who have occupied this endlessly fascinating office. We can do one a week in chronological order until we get to George W. Bush. We are looking to rank their performance as chief executive and to give our own take on each president.
We could use categories that look something like these, the most common areas ranked in historian polls.
Leadership Qualities
Accomplishments and Crisis Management
Political Skill
Character and Integrity
Foreign Policy
Domestic Policy
That’ll be my format, but feel free to do it however you chose. I’ll also being using a scale of ten, but feel free to avoid arbitrary numbers if you like.
George Washington
Leadership Qualities:
You really can’t find more of a natural leader than Washington in all of American history. He was the most trusted public man of his time. Even in his later years as PotUS when partisanship was running rampant with nastiness, few would criticize him even when they opposed his policies. He could have remained president as long as he chose to because most agreed that Washington was a unifying figure that the early republic desperately needed.
Accomplishments and Crisis Management:
Being the first chief executive of a government even the most optimistic feared could be just as fleeting and temporary as the system under the Articles of Confederation certainly qualifies as a crisis in my book. Washington had a very sensitive task in setting the standards and precedents for a job that people did not know what to expect from. Holding the fragile republic together with his trademark dignity is one of the greatest accomplishments in presidential history.
Political Skill:
Washington operated under a fledging political system where political factions, although alive and well, were mostly kept behind the scenes. He did remain well liked and his aims were given great weight. He also appointed arguably the best cabinet in US history. It’s possible that his position of political parties kept him somewhat naive of the backstage maneuvering and left he less equipped to keep some of his cabinet in line.
Character and Integrity:
This guy may be the picture of great character and integrity. It is often said that the political climate of the time would have allowed for Washington to have become a king if he wanted to, yet he played his role with utmost dignity and stepped down after two terms.
We can’t discuss his character though without hitting the nasty snag that is his ownership of slaves. In fact this will be an issue in rating the character of many of our early presidents. Some may be inclined to extract context and decry him as a terrible person, and on the other hand we have those who insist on applying the wishy washy “man of his times” standard that all but dismisses it. I say that slaveholders are morally accountable for that fact regardless of the time in which they lived, but we must consider the practicalities as well as whatever we can glean from what was in their heart. Washington sorta released his slaves in his will, and the bits and pieces that we have on his position suggest that he was morally opposed to slavery. So we was a hypocrite and a sinner probably by even his own standards. But…you know…“the times”.
Foreign Policy
A policy of neutrality was exactly what was necessary at that early point in US history. I feel like had any other of the bigwigs of the time had been president that line would have been a lot blurrier ( institutional preference toward England with federalists and toward France with Dem-Repubs). Europe was still at each other’s throats, we may have gotten into another war a lot sooner than 1812.
Domestic Policy:
He dealt with the Whiskey Rebellion very well, a strong federal force was necessary to demonstrate the nature of the new system. Hamilton’s economic policies were also very necessary.
Overall, we really couldn’t hope for a much better first president.I believe that we really have Washington to thank for just how much we respect the office. If I had any real criticism it is he naivety about the inevitability of factions in a government of this type. Then again, most of the founders were similarly naive. He is certainly one of our finest presidents.
Hope to see enough participants to make this a highlight of my week:)