RANTS! Now with zero trans fat olestra!

Why does my face hurt?

I’m taking all the pills I’m supposed to be taking.

Stop hurting, face, or I’ll be forced to take drastic measures.

I’ll rant about whole milk having too many damn calories! That stuff’s like crack! We’re trying to switch my kid to whole milk, and I’ve taken a few sips (oh, shut up, more than a few sips) - it’s like coming back to cocaine after a long absence. I want to be able to drink creamy, rich whole milk and not suffer the consequences!

Goddamn calories and saturated fat. :mad:

I suggest you threaten to punch it in the face if it doesn’t knock it off. It has worked for me in the past. I’ve gotten a leg, a tooth and my back to stop being whiny little bitches after I laid down the law on them.

I’m in ur diary poopin on ur life

God I hate seeing gum or mints at the checkout that looks like it would be really good and finding aspartame or some chemical crap that isn’t sugar in it. Those skimmings from a toxic chemical dump give me headaches and the aftertaste makes a hangover seem minty fresh. And it would be what, three calories a piece to use real sugar?

And as far as bovine excretions, do NOT give me a glass of milk I can read through. Mjolnir is not a figment of mythology.


I seriously hate things being made “healthier” by less sugar more sweeteners, it worried me slightly when a spokesperson for Cadburys said they were hoping to make their chocolate healthier. Er hello? Defeating the object here. I want sugar dammit, not your no calorie super chem-crap. But their chocolate is barely passable in my opinion so it doesn’t bother me what other crap they put in it.

A few years ago when I was 15 I bought Splenda as I was trying to lose weight and back then I wasn’t into researching things on the internet so had no idea of the reputation of this or any sweetener, needless to say I was concerned when I heaped a spoonful into my tea and it fizzled.

It’s also unsuprising actually that people aren’t clued up on sweeteners and how they’re made, they just think “hm, no calories so it must be good for you!” The unhealthiness of trans fats has been publicised, why not the same for these sweeteners?

The title of this thread is missing the word mini, so it’s falling by the wayside.

Not me. Milk just makes me break out in eczema all over my body.

What the hell are the three of us doing in Wisconsin?

Damn you, crowns! Damn you! I spent $750 on you, getting an old one replaced and a new one put on. Yes, there was a high spot, but the dentist took care of you. Two months later, I still can’t chew with full force on the right side of my jaw, and half the time, it isn’t even the crowned teeth that are aching. Oh, and now they want me to get my fillings replaced? Sure…as soon as I have another $600 lying around! Gah!

(Not dairy related, although while I am not in Wisconsin I’m also on the list of the lactose intolerant. Fucking dairy)

Give me my god damn scholarship! I lost it last semester, but my grades are high enough now for it to come back. Looking online shows that my scholarship is “pending”. Fuck that! Stop hounding me to pay my tuition bill until the scholarship is applied!

Also, fuck the scholarship and financial aid office. I asked about the “pending” designation and, I shit you not, the front desk person barely stopped filing her nails long enough to tell me that it will be pending until August 1st. Yesterday. I need to know if the scholarship is there or not so I can get funding together! ARGH!

By jove! You have the right of it!

Can I get a mod type user to rectify that egregrious mistake?

They don’t do it to cut calories, but for dental health. Coating your teeth with sugar a few times a day is pretty bad for them.

A lot of the time the stuff they replace natural fats with ends up being worse for you. The media has portrayed all fats as something that are evil and have to be avoided, I guess because it’s a somewhat complex issue, and who likes to think when you can just be told what to be afraid of?

But most of the dietary health problems in modern society are created far more by the excesses of refined sugars and starches put into everything than natural fats and cholesterol and such. And the funny thing is - when they try to remove fat from something, not only do they make it taste worse, but in its place they add unpleasant chemicals and more sugar (usually high fructose corn syrup) to still make it palatable but keep the fat content low - they make it both worse tasting and worse for you. Which is why you’ll sometimes see news articles like “Americans eating healthier, but are fatter than ever” - because they define low fat, high sugar, high chemical monstrosities as “healthier” and people buy it. The high fructose corn syrup in your diet is doing more to make you fat, have high cholesterol, etc. than the actual fat or cholesterol in your food.

The most practical approach seems to be eat normal, healthy, reasonably unprocessed and natural food and just limit your quantities. But it’s simpler to pick one nutritional scapegoat, even if it’s not harmful, and just buy things whose labels say they don’t have it.

Deal. I was 125 lb and 6’1" for years. I’m finally up to 155, but I’d be happy to take a few extra from ya.

I posted this in the MMP, but being that it’s MPSIMS I couldn’t get really down and dirty with the response I wish I could have made, so:

You miserable, runny cunt of a human being. You seriously fucking think I’m going to call and/or fax every fucking dealer in the country to find you a new transmission? More than a thousand dealers? Fuck you! Just fuck you in the eye with a bone saw! Your failure to understand my explanation is not my problem. You want a solution? Get up off your doughy white ass and find one yourself! If you’d been nicer, I might have been inclined to give you the numbers for a few service centers we have relationships with that might even be able to find an alternate solution. But you were an asshat with sand in your vagina, so kiss my hairy Canadian ass. You’re never buying one of “our” products again? First of all “our” product isn’t, but more importantly, it’s about 1/20th of the whole machine – some gears, a couple of axles and assorted washers and gaskets lubed up with oil – not entirely unlike the clockwork making that awful grinding noise in your head, which seems to work about as well as the transmission you called up to complain about. How will your lack of support for “our” products and griping about it to your friends affect me and the company I work for? Grain of sand. Beach. You are an asshole and a moron of the highest order and your lack of business will be most welcome as it will involve having nothing more to do with you.

I feel your pain, hun.

Also, a hearty fuck you to every employer I’ve been to see this week. I’ve been working 1030 starts, which means to see you guys I’ve got to come into town for 8am appointments. Which means I have to get up at six am. Then work through until six thirty pm.

Don’t then go and write me off because you think my salary demands are too high. You asked me what I’m earning now. I replied honestly, with a very heavy emphasis on the “But I’m willing to negotiate, because I’m leaving my current position and am willing and happy to look at less money for a job in (this field)”. You don’t even try to find out how far I’m willing to negotiate, you just write me off for someone cheaper even though you’ve said to me I’m probably the best qualified candidate you’ve seen.

And a spike-coated dildo to the bosses of the poor girl* who interviewed me on Monday, then had to call me on Wednesday morning to cancel the second interview whilst I was on my way into town because you’d found someone cheaper and given the job to them without even seeing me.

  • I don’t know if it was guilt because she had to pull the cancel on me when I was already halfway there, or if she was telling the truth, but she said she would have loved to see me get the role, I interviewed really well & was really honest, professional and relaxed, and my personality seemed like it would fit in with the team they had there. But the higher-ups said “Well, even though she’s qualified for this role, and has said she’d negotiate a wage, we just want someone cheap. Go tell her not to bother coming in”. I felt really bad for her having to tell me that. Though at the time I was more filled with rage at the time I’d wasted on a day when I could have used a lie-in.

Did anyone else misread this title as “RATS! Now with zero trans fat olestra!”

No. That’s just weird.

SenorBeef, that makes a lot of sense. A healthy diet for humans includes about 30% fat; fat is not the enemy. You can’t say the same for sugar; nobody needs sugar in their diet. You need plenty of carbs in your diet, but not in the form of cokes and potato chips.

Actually, I read it as “PANTS!” etc., and had to scrub my brain of the images evoked.

Goddamn, first my university and now my former employer have both allowed my SSN# and checking account number into the wild. You insecure tards. And then the Experian credit monitoring service they signed me up for won’t work. Morons.

This is so high school it’s ridiculous, but it’s pissing me off.

I hate it when people assume I won’t mind. I hate it when people take advantage of me for no good reason.

In this little scenario, we have B, this boy who has been pursuing me since I was about 13 and with whom I have a cordial but very uncomfortable relationship. This is mostly due to his habit of finding out personal information about me from people other than me, showing up uninvited at my shows, and lots of unwanted staring and touching.

And then we have J. Who is sort of a friend of mine, but the sort of friend I mostly can’t stand… but put up with because I’m bad at being mean and he’s bad at taking anything close to a hint… and also, he hasn’t got many friends.

Anyway, J begs me to go to this concert for a band he knows I don’t like. I ask if he has anybody else to go with or any other ideas and he says he’s asked everybody and can’t find anyone. I say keep on looking, but I’ll go if you can find absolutely nobody else.

A couple days later, he tells me I owe him $20 for the ticket. Which is kind of shitty already… I’m this dumbass a favor. I don’t want to go to this concert. He’s the one who wants to go to the concert and wants me to go, so he should be the one paying for it.

Then today, he calls me up and starts rattling off the itinerary. “and then K will be coming over to my house and then we’ll meet B there…”

I was NOT happy about this. You’re asking me to go to a concert I don’t want to go to and pay money for the privilege, you got me to agree to go on the pretense that you would be all by yourself otherwise, when you’ll be with two friends, AND you expect me to be cool with hanging out with B? oy vey. So many things wrong. And why the hell would you try so hard to get me to go to a crappy concert when you clearly had other options? so lame.

I told him he could have fun at his concert with K and B, but that I wouldn’t be coming. I feel like an incredible bitch for it, but god… tacky tacky tacky all around.

But I like skim milk. Whole milk makes me sick. Stupid gallbladder, why did you have to leave me?

I rant against my stupid brain that keeps me from remembering things, like what day certain events are on, and against stupid people whom I told, “You have the wrong number,” but who still feel the need to fucking text me at 6 AM on a Saturday because they think that the person they’re trying to reach is at my number.