RANTS! Now with zero trans fat olestra!

Wait, I’ve heard terrible things about aspertame for years now, I won’t touch the stuff, but I’ve never heard anything bad about Splenda. I rarely use it myself (at home) because I’m happy with Stevia (a natural sweetener that doesn’t raise my blood sugar) but I don’t think Splenda deserves to be condemned like aspertame. Even if there is a problem with Splenda, and I’ve never heard about it, it still can’t be anywhere near as bad as aspertame.

My food rant is goes along with the rant about aspertame. It’s in seemingly fucking everything “sugar-free” nowadays. If I’m out and about and want a cola, I have three choices: Pepsi One, Diet-Rite or Walgreen’s cola, all of which contain Splenda. That’s freakin IT. Good luck trying to find Pepsi One or Diet-Rite if there isn’t a Walgreen’s nearby. Thank goodness for water.

Not everybody needs carbs. I’m perfectly happy and much healthier without them.

That’s true. If you absolutely have to eat carbs, better to eat vegetables (which I do, I just don’t eat pasta, bread and rice).

My grandfather apparently uses hershey bars to keep himself regular. He insists if he doesn’t have chocolate, he won’t be able to shit. But not Ex-Lax. Hershey bars.

New boy is terribly sweet and sexy, but flaky as all hell. It’s only a mini-rant because I’m not sure if he’s worth it. Sigh.

Dammit, I was saving up a whole buncha rants for just such a thread, but I forgot them all.

Oh, I guess I can rant against my forgetfulness. Goddamn stupid brain of mine!

Hey, self- you know that word you were thinking of? The one that is perfect for what you want to say and expresses everything that you want to convey? No, it seems you don’t. It’s nice that you know several synonyms that almost mean the same thing, but having to go to a thesaurus every ten words is getting old. If you don’t start getting your words right I’ll do something drastic like reading the dictionary for a few hours. I know you know these words! You can do it! It is now a running joke between your friends how you always say “cul-de-sac,” “community,” or “suburb” whenever you mean “subdivision”.

And a little shout out to needles- I love you, as you make sewing possible. Sewing is great fun, but whenever you stab me in the cuticle it hurts- my pride as well as my finger. Even the pins don’t hurt me as much as you seem to. You have your own little magnetic box to lie in. The pins are just scattered in the sewing kit or haphazardly left in the tiny plastic box they came in. I treat you like kings and have not lost a single one of you. So stop being such a bitch and just sew fabric, not me. If not I’ll go back to the sewing machine.

What about Fat Free original?
Geez. Who else feels sorry for grocery stores, expected to keep on hand EIGHT different varieties of soy milk??? And no doubt that is just for Soy Milk Company X. Now Soy Milk Company Y offers eight versions, too. Let alone a bazillion variations of real milk…

Equipoise I don’t know if it’s as bad as aspartame, it may be the lesser of two evils, once read somewhere that Splenda is made from fruit sugars, then there were reports that wasn’t true, have no cites, this was a few years ago as I said. Still I’d just avoid them all.

Haha! it’s funny…chocolate is supposed to be constipating right? But I’m not sure Hersheys classifies as chocolate, my sister brought a bar back from Brazil, the wrapper said chocolate but I have no idea what the hell it was I actually tasted. shrug.

Hell all this quoting is hard work when you don’t have a quote button.

Whatever it’s made of, Splenda is nast-aaaay.

I would if I could, but I can’t eat any form of regular sugar, so I use what I can, which is mainly Stevia, which is not an artificial chemical sweetener. Stevia is made from a South American plant and is widely used in several other countries, such as Japan, but it’s banned as a sweetener in America (thank you artificial sweetener industry fuckheads who lobbied for the ban!) but at least it can be sold as a, ha, “dietary supplement.”

If I lived in Japan I could get sugar-free colas and other drinks made with Stevia, but since I don’t, I can’t, and have to make do with drinks made with Splenda when I’m out and about (assuming I can find one). I only drink a couple of colas a month anyway, so it’s not that big a deal.

ETA: Ha, SenorBeef posted at the same time I did!

Stevia seems like the best sweetener (and it’s not artificial) but isn’t allowed to be used in the US in food products because companies like nutrasweet buy people on the FDA advisory board and stifle legitimate competition.

So… fuck those people who allow and promote harm to the American public by stifling healthy alternatives via bureaucratic bullshit to serve their corporate masters.

Edit: Ha, I didn’t see the post above mine at the time I was writing. Pure coincidence.

That’s funny, we both posted at the same time, and both edited at the same time!

bureaucratic bullshit because of corporate masters? well they can suck ass.

I’m sorry it’s difficult to find decent sweet stuff Equipoise.

I’d suggest smoothies and fruit juices with carbonated water but I don’t want anyone to hit me.

Pretty much all the soda I drink is club soda with a little fruit juice in it. I avoid all artificial sweeteners because they taste like ass; I’ll drink a plain club soda before I’ll drink diet anything. But mostly I drink water. It really sticks in my craw to pay $2+ for a tiny little amount of club soda.

I like diet soda, with nutra-sweet or whatever aspartame is called now. It doesn’t really bother me.

But like I said, I don’t get the raptures over Splenda. I cannot, cannot stand it. At all.

I pit myself.

I finally bought myself a salt shaker so that I don’t have to pour it straight from the box onto my tomato sandwich. So, tomato sandwich and morning coffee at the ready, I went to fill up the salt shaker. I flipped it over and found the plug thing extremely difficult to extract. Finally I managed to; by the time I did I was so annoyed with it I wasn’t really paying attention. So I flipped it over and filled it up. And noticed two things … one, why is it taking so long to fill up? Two, why does it appear to be snowing on the dog who is standing underneath me?

sigh … so I postponed the sandwich and coffee to go find a broom …

To the horse-faced Ann Coulter wanna-be line-cutter at the amusement park in Connecticut this past weekend:

You’re almost 50 years old and you’re Still cutting the line at the water slides??? (if you’re 29, lady, 28 of 'em must have been at hard labor.) What ingredient in the toxic waste that is ‘Miss Clairol’ do you think entitles you to cut in front of kids and their parents who are actually waiting their turns in line for the ride? Get a clue, Judith Light: lines are for everyone.

(and ‘Fright-Fest’ doesn’t start until October…)

I must laugh at this. Mostly because I can see myself doing it.

So I suppose I must pit myself for laughing at your misfortune. Alternately I can just wait for Karma to catch up to me.

Moths, stop divebombing onto my head! There are two sources of light in this room, the lamp and the tv, now unless I’ve just had a really good idea, get outta my face and QUIT BUGGIN’ ME!! rarr

Summer traffic chaps my ass! I live in a little, quiet corner of the world where it’s a rare occasion that a traffic light has to cycle twice for me to get through. But I left my nest this past weekend, had to drive from my peaceful Maine town to Hartford, CT. Waited 45 minutes to get through the New Hampshire toll, another 30 to exit onto I84 off the Mass Pike. All across Mass, the traffic randomly slowed to a crawl every 10 miles or so. Should have been a 3 1/2 hour trip–took me almost 6.

People who cope with traffic like that daily? I don’t know how they/you do it without constant rage or maybe some happy pills.

I work in a corporate Help Desk, paid by the hour. The job involves many hours waiting for Other People (the littlest fix requires three different electronic documents, all of which must be approved by different people… and that’s without programmer intervention), so about a month ago I was moved to working 3d/wk because those 16h were more-or-less the amount I’d been spending waiting.

So now I don’t work Mondays or Fridays. This means less money but still far from poverty level, plus my stomach sure is happy about the lowered stress levels. But I’m still the only person who can do the kind of stuff I do. And of course any step I do still implies several hours waiting for Other People, but now I have something I didn’t use to have: a backlog.

For some reason the customers have problems with the notion that “a ticket open on Friday and which is due in 24 workhours is not due until Thursday”… and my boss has problems with the notion of “if something is ready for testing on Monday, I will test it on Tuesday.”

I’ve been spending quite a few hours explaining that no, I do not read work mail when I’m not being paid to read it :stuck_out_tongue: Working for free for, say, Habitat for Humanity, I’ll do - but for one of the world’s biggest corporations? In the CEO’s dreams.