Rantus Augustus (mini rants)

The Public Health Dept WOULD NEVER REVEAL who the complaint came from, ever. That’s why they have always been the people entrusted with STD interventions. It is entirely possible they will not ask for identifying information from a person identifying concerns.

That store needs to be leaned on. If they are doing that, what else are they neglecting that is harmful? Inadequate pest control, not keeping food at proper temperatures, poor sanitation all over the store?

I think I might be coming down with the coronavirus again. My lungs feel weird, and I hyperventilated today, which I have never done before. :worried: I hate 2020.

It’s really chilling to think that - in the midst of an airborne pandemic - the various blood-borne diseases (hi! AIDS! Hepatitis!) have taken this level of backseat.

We used to be scared of that shit.

- purple whose husband died of West Nile Virus (remember that nonsense? Pepperidge Farm remembers.)

They should have replaced everything that had blood on it before she left the store. I’m guessing she doesn’t like to make a fuss, but this is one place where you’re really not a “Karen” if you make them fix the mess they caused. Anyone with a tiny bit of common sense would know that you should not send customers home with bloody merchandise.

Yeah, I really don’t get why management didn’t step in and replace everything the cashier had touched…especially when they witnessed the incident.

I’ve tried to put it to Mom in terms of Chopped, where the judges are very quick to point out when a contestant has cut themselves and contaminated the work area (and where they will not even touch the plates if there’s even a possibility of contaminated food). We’ll see where this goes. :confused:

Driving home today, someone has scrawled an exceptionally annoying bit of graffiti on a bridge I go under:
‘only slaves wear masks’

Now this annoys me in three different ways, to the point that I’m seriously considering going and painting corrections.

First, the obvious anti-masker nonsense; no you don’t look all tough complaining about a bit of fabric, unless you have a legitimate medical reason, you’re a selfish silly person if you don’t wear one when you should.

Second, the ‘only slaves’ just rankles- like slaves are lesser people to look down on, rather than people trapped in a horrendous situation.

And third, if you’re going to try and come up with some slogan like that, it needs to make sense. When I think masks, I think ninjas, carnival, people at sexy parties, Zorro, opera singers pretending to be people pretending to be other people, robbers in stripy jumpers carrying bags marked ‘swag’, and of course medical professionals. There is no association between slaves and masks. It’s trying to riff off a thing that isn’t a thing, and that annoys me.

I know I shouldn’t expect sense from an idiot, but if someone goes to the effort of painting on the side of a bridge in the middle of nowhere, it’d be nice if they put just a minimal level of thought into it, y’know?

I once bought a large tipped red marker just so I could correct one very annoying punctuation error on a graffiti. I only defaced public property that one time in my life, but dang, it felt good!

I am epi–pen allergic to bee stings. I like eating food and I like flowers and growing things, so think that bees are pretty important. We co-exist happily and I make sure that water is always available for them. (Heifer International now has bee colonies available for under 40 bucks each. I invest in them every time I have extra money.)

Today, I was enumerating a home when the woman started complaining about bees all over her vegetable/fruit garden and told me that she was spraying some sort of chemical on the plants to get rid of the bees.

It took all of my self control to not say something like “Lady, do you have even the slightest clue as to how plants work?”

Speaking of grocery stores and COVID related issues, I still have to bag my own stuff if I bring my own bags. They won’t even touch my bags - once out of habit I put them on the belt in front of my groceries, and the cashier asked me to please move them so they could get to my stuff.

However, last trip to the store, as I was trying to untangle the handles on my bags, one fell on the floor. And the bagger girl standing nearby swooped in and picked it up for me. With her bare hands! I thought about finding a manager and asking why that was OK. :thinking:

Because she reacted instantly, with kindness, without stopping to think about it. Or she was a rebel. In either case, she did the right, kind thing.

Teenaged kids are idiots. My son has been zoom-bombed three times during his classes lately. I’m sure it was flipping hilarious, but his teacher has to keep delaying testing and ending the class. I wish they’d given more extensive training on using zoom so the lady could just boot the kid, but apparently she has no idea how to operate the damn app.

That was kind of a lame rant, but I haven’t been enough places lately to come up with a good one.

I’ve complained before about not getting my stimulus payment and not being able to find out why. So a couple of weeks ago I contacted both of my Senators and my Representative to see if any of them could help me.

Well, today I got a call from the IRS in response to one of the inquiries. It turned out that when I had filed my 2018 tax return I had mistakenly checked the box indicating that I could be claimed as a dependent instead of the box indicating that I was over 65. I filed an amended return correcting the error, but apparently when the IRS was reviewing my tax returns to determine if I was eligible for the stimulus payment they only looked at the original returns, and disregarded the amended return.

The upshot is, I have to wait until I file my 2020 return which will have a section where I can report that I did not receive the stimulus payment I was due. This will give me a $1200 tax credit to apply along with any taxes deducted from my pension. Which means I’ll get a refund, since I’ve never owed more than $100 in recent years.

Now I’m hearing the voice of the Lowe’s public address system lady:

“Blood-Smeared Items In the Bagging Area…Blood-Smeared Items In The Bagging Area”

I tripped and landed on my knee taking in the sheets that I hung out to dry and holy shit it’s blown up like softball. Hurts! My charger is upstairs and the whiskey is down I need a bell to ring for servants.

I’ve spent this year tidying up the garage off and on; as a result, I have a collection of items in one corner to take to the sorting facility (a fancy city dump, for those not familiar). One of these items is an ancient gas-powered weedeater that still has some gas/oil mix inside; I had been meaning to drop by an auto parts store to get a fluid collection kit so I could drain the thing and dispose of everything properly.

This afternoon, Mom came back from getting something in the garage to inform me that there was a strong smell of gas. Apparently, the old weedeater has been seeping for quite some time. :persevere: The spot is old enough that it is somewhat dry, but it still reeks. The weedeater has been placed outside, and I’ve coated the stain in baking soda (no kitty litter available, and anyway I’m not sure it would work on an old stain). Just what I wanted to deal with on my week off.

Y’know there’s a new thread for September over here, right?