I am not really sure what I pitting here. Of course the rapist, but who or what else? What kind of world do we live in where women get raped on the CTA? It just happened again today on the blue line. How can nobody see anything? What kind of crappy security is there? This is just too fucked up for words.
I hope they catch the guy and he spends the rest of his life in prison.
California (Colorado, Connecticut) Transit Authority?
Cowlick Train Association?
Custer’s Tanning Asylum?
Wherever it happened, rape is not a good thing. I too, pit the rapist. Heads must roll.
Link? I didn’t see the news tonight, so I missed it. Doesn’t appear to be on the Trib or the Sun-Times sites.
What kind of world is this where someone gets raped in/on public transit? Well, it’s the same kind of world where wars (just and unjust) are fought, natural disasters kill hundreds of thousands in hours and I tell my girlfriend that I love her before we go to sleep.
Also, “again?” I wasn’t familiar with another happening recently enough to make one say “again.” I do agree, it does suck.
Haven’t been back "home for 3 years, but I’m pretty sure the Wrigleyville area is served by the Brown Line. The Blue Line serves the downtown/Loop area, so that can’t be the story Kel’s referring to.
Kel, re-read the story from the link - it refers to the Blue line incident. The Wrigleyville title refers to two other incidents. Apparently the suspect is charged with one rape and two attempted rapes.
FWIW, blue line is O’Hare to Loop. Brown is North Side to Loop. Here’s a map.
Even when you can’t find a link, a simple description of what happened goes a long way towards letting people know what you’re upset about.
As it is, I’m still not sure what you’re pitting aside from the rapist. The transit authority? From reading the article, it looks to me that all the attacks took place off the trains, so what exactly is the CTA supposed to do? Have conductors follow each rider home?
On Monday at around 1:40 pm, a woman was raped in an (otherwise) empty car of the Blue Line in Chicago. The morning news said she was screaming for help but that no one in adjacent cars heard her. I must embarrassedly admit that I was dubious at first about this - that the rapist would let her scream very much without muffling/beating her, and that no one would hear if she had any level of volume, not to mention there being a completely empty car at that time of day.
To be sure, there were two people on it, so how is it empty? That said, I have no problem imagining that there was an empty Blue Line that far west at that time - most people who would have used it would have already gotten off at the University of Illinois and/or hospitals. The Blue line has also been under the gun as it were to provide riders or have hours of operation cut.
So that’s not odd.
As for not being able to hear someone screaming: the cars are a) fairly well insulated to sound from outside (noise from running on the tracks excepted) and you’ve got two such layers of insulation and b) the aforementioned track noise.
So that’s not odd either.
What is odd (and disgusting) is that someone would try to do that to someone else, in broad daylight (as it were) or otherwise.
The cynic in me wonders if Kerusi is going to say that if he had enough money, there would have been cameras on the el and damned if this could have happened Mr. State Legislature.
Cruikshank being the rapist and the dude who apparently went back inside without a second thought being the pitworthy one here.
Also, here’s a link to the story from the OP. Notice the story that follows. Here’s an interesting question for the moraltiy types: Does the age of the victim make this one more upsetting than the woman on the train? Are there degrees of victimhood in something this awful?
I think in a general sense, that is true. I once took care of an elderly nun, who had been viciously raped, sodomized and beaten. (I’m a nurse, ICU)
So, while all rapes are heinous–I do believe that there are levels of victimhood. That is not to say that even an attempted rape is “no big deal”–by no means do I mean that. But it takes a particlarly sick fuck to rape an old nun…