RAPE! RAPE!! (nope. pron. pron.)

Only if you fail your Will saving throw vs. Ego.

If he didn’t call 911 before he broke down the door, I’d press charges and sue the crap out of him.

If he did call 911 and then broke down the door, I’d still press charges and sue the crap out of him, only I;d have less confidence that I’d win.

The simple fact of the matter is that when some crazy fuck with a sword breaks down your door, it doesn’t matter what he tells the cops- all they see is a jackass with a sword threatening you and your VCR.

[slightly OT]I just googled rape porn (I know, silly me) and there is really such a thing as brutal rape porn. Good Gawd, I have no objection to porn, even most fetish porn, but rape? Jesus.

<john turturro>

Please don’t rape The Jesus.


Add me to the list of people who think you are my hero!

I have three! One of those Chinese sets, you know? No dragons or other crapola, mine are just flat, black-lacquered. And given how difficult it is to unsheat them from the wooden sheats without chopping some necessary body part off (due to the humidity they suffered at one point), much more useful as clubs than as swords.

Silenus, from now on my mental picture of you is this. :cool:

It’s weird at first blush, but there is at least one female Doper who is a rape survivor but finds rape as a porn subject a big turn-on.

FWIW, my brief “research” into the subject advises me that, on the Internet at least, the purveyors are keen to point out that this is fantasy. The actors are doing it willingly. Doing this for real is scummy.

This changes my opinion considerably. If he retrained the occupant in a closet at swordpoint, all charges should stand. As you point out, it should have been obvious that no rape had occurred.

In various internet media boards this is sometimes called “Rule 34”: If any scenario, phenomenon or behavior exists or can be imagined, there’s porn of it.
And yes, once he went beyond busting down the door, to imprisoning the resident, he went beyond an explainable misunderstanding. And I must congratulate the resident on the excellent Home Theatre system that made a porn soundtrack sound like a live incident. (BTW, I would take pause before charging through doors with swords, if only due to the nonzero possibility of firearms on the other side).

:eek: An old-school Padres poster? I’da never thunk!

OK–to be fair, the sample of “my experience” is a little unrepresentative for a few reasons I won’t list here. What I said (the part you quoted) looks less sensible now than it did when I posted it. I didn’t mean to imply that weapons are “intrinsically evil and make people do things”–I own some myself–but I have heard from a few sword and gun owners that some small part of them wishes they could use it after they buy it. I hope you’ll concede the point I wanted to make, which was that you’re bound to react differently to a perceived threat to yourself or others if you own a potentially lethal weapon. And, in some cases, it might change what you perceive as a threat. Anyway, I’m not married to that point in particular.

What, after he threatened you with a sword? Well, whatever gets you off, but that wouldn’t be my reaction…

OK, he has a sword does not have a phone, and lives with his mother. At age 39. I’m thinking these two guys need to hook up.

I’m trying to figure out how the hell a guy breaks down someone’s door. What is the place made of- straw? Sticks? All the apartments and houses I’ve ever lived in have had front doors that are either solid wood or steel, and would take a battering ram to get through.

Sure. But my jury’s out on whether that’s a healthy response or not. Rape survivors may have all sorts of issues to deal with, especially with regards to sexuality, so personally I remain unconvinced that a rape survivor sexually fantasizing about rape is anything other than trauma-related and maladaptive.

(On the other hand, many women who have not been victimized have these fetishes as well. I think overall it’s up to the individual in question to take a serious look at what motivates them to find certain things arousing, and how they feel in regards to it. If a rape survivor is turned on by rape fantasies and afterwards feels like utter shit about it in a masochistic kind of “Oh I just got what I deserved” kind of way, I would find that problematic.)

Personally I’d rather it didn’t exist at all–not that I would actively push to have it censored, but only that the fact it exists makes me feel sad and depressed about human nature.

The article that NurseCarmen linked to gives the defendant’s side of the story:

This basically makes it a she screamed/he said/he said situation. But from what I’ve read, I would be more inclined to accept the neighbor’s side of the story. Meaning that just paying for the damage is not enough.

I’m running a bit late and apologize if I missed a link to this update, but:

The dude forced his way in ten hours after buddy put the tissues and lube away. :eek:

Well, that has a change on the landscape.

Nevermind, if this is true, the neighbor was not doing a good deed. He now sounds more like he is mentally disturbed.


I don’t know why, but this:

made me laugh.

Not several of the places where I lived in Miami. You could have slipped on the floor and have put your elbow halfway through those doors.

I’m reading completely different information from the neighbor in the different articles. Either he’s got memory problems or a lawyer who doesn’t think newspaper clips can count as evidence (no idea whether they can).