I don’t need one but I want one. I would get bored with it an hour after I got it running, but I still want it. Talk me out of it.
Not entirely relying on you geeks, my daughter is bringing over my TRS-80 Model 100 for if I need to satisfy a need to program using the purest, written by Gates himself, version of Microsoft BASIC.
Do it. There are all kinds of things you can do with them. My husband has several and has done a variety of projects with them. I’ll ask him for some ideas and/or sites if you like.
I have three or four of them. They’re great. One runs Pi Hole, blocking ads across my whole home network. Another runs an ADSBreceiver, tracking local air traffic, feeding that info to Flight Aware. Another is built into a portable case and runs Stratux, navigational and weather tool to supplement small airplane instrumentation. Another I use to run a front endfor some software defined radio usb dongles. There’s endless ways to dick with these and kill time in entertaining ways.
I powered mine on maybe 4 times in all, enough to install the OS and to see that it worked and I could surf the Web with it. Then something else caught my attention and that was it. It’s been gathering dust (and static) for about 5 years. (It’s a first-generation model, without built-in Wi-Fi.)
I’ve got two older regular ones and 4 Zeros. I’ve been using my two wireless zeros lately in experiments with DIY security/camera stuff.
I drag out my Pi 2 from time to time when I need to make a serial connection to something. (E.g., root a device.)
My Pi 3 has a small touchscreen on it, but I’m not too happy with it. Too much fiddling and still the settings aren’t quite right.
The new model 4 is supposed to be a “desktop” replacement model. Powerful and featured enough to use as a regular PC. But: It runs hot so fan cooling is a good idea (which standard cases aren’t set up for) and there’s an design mistake regarding the USB 3.0 power set up.
Thanks, Herakles and** ftg.** And those happy with theirs for uses I wouldn’t use. I’ve lost interest, which was my goal. I could use my M100 for home automation using X10, but I have a TRS-80 Color Computer with a cartridge and a controller for that. I got it when I worked in mansion automation so I could laugh at my customers who paid a quarter mill just for our software.
I’ve got one recently, just to run my 3D printer with Octoprint. I really have no idea what other useful things I could use it for. I’ve got too many unused computers around the house if I needed something with a general purpose processor.
PiHole seems neat, but I’ve got an ad blocker in my main router (Tomoto operating system).
I look at websites featuring neat uses for Raspberry Pi, but none of those projects seems useful to me, and/or don’t correspond to any current hobbies I have.
I have often been on the verge of buying a PI. The closest I came was to build a Google Assistant. They are of course amazing value for the money. But in the end they are still under-powered compared to what I want. I run a lot of graphics for video and photographs, and even my regular computers struggle (Your not done yet?).
Turns out it’s not my good one so Middle’s fiance/beard might get it for his birthday. He’s into retro shit, too. And is a trainspotter. A gay trainspotter. Who’d have thunk it? I’m not convinced he’s gay.