Re Anthony Weiner's latest 3rd strike texting antics. Is he mentally unhinged?

Maybe the bulb is dim.

Sounds like self destructive addictive behavior. He needs heaps of help but isn’t looking for it.

This is it… He’s a sex addict, and either has not sought the help he needs, or is not applying that help. Just like any other form of addiction, the person may know it’s completely self-destructive at some level, but rationalize their behavior away in order to serve their addiction. Unfortunately, the shame felt for destroying his own life, and those who love him, may just be compounding his need to use. Addiction is a nasty thing.

Not excusing the guy, what he did was wrong, and he should be held accountable. I hope he can get the help he needs

From 2011:

Good times.

What does she mean by saying “I catfish people”?

It means she lures people into online relationships, and she’s not necessarily who she purports to be.

I feel bad for the kids. They’ll eventually read the old news stories about their sex obsessed dad.

He’s just a pathetic laughing stock now.



Weiner has made himself very vulnerable. Anybody can string him along and then sell the story to the Tabloids. I expect some guy to emerge any day that made a fool out of Weiner.

Yeah, people were more skeptical back then, when we’d first heard about it. What’s wrong with that? I mean, the first time it came up, it was just a bulge in his pants, easily explainable by other means. And it was before he admitted he’d done it.

I don’t see you posting in that thread that you were sure. At least that would make sense as if you were bragging about predicting it.

This just seems like you’re poking fun at people who assumed the guy was innocent before proven guilty.