Don’t you just love seeing this shit in your e-mail and don’t you just hope that these cretins get locked up in a room with nothing but ringing telephones and cut-throat bill collectors on the other end?
Of course I delete this crap the minute I see it, but it still makes me wonder about the low-life who’d stoop to something like this. This one came from one Joann Henry (I know, fictitious name), and I think about how many people she/he suckered into opening that e-mail.
It’s a lame rant, I know, but shit like this needs to be prosecuted.
I dunno, my personal “favorites” are the ones that just put a bunch of random words in the subject line.
Like seeing an email from someone I don’t know with a subject of “balloons windows pen fur water” is going to suddenly make me think, “Wow! I like balloons! I’ve got windows in my house! I use pens and drink water AND I have a dog with fur! This must be VERY important!”