Re Star Wars, Trek, Tolkien conventions etc how racially segregated are these events?

Just curious. I’ve never been to one of these. Is the population at these fan conventions overwhelmingly white male or is being a fan boy or fan girl an equal opportunity, multi-racial scenario?

Comic-Con seems to be rather multi-racial in make-up, from the one’s I’ve been to. Albedo-challenged nerds and geeks predominate, but they appear to embrace the unwashed, unloved and unbathed of any racial group.

Of the few Trek conventions I’ve been to, it’s been mostly white males, followed by black males, and then white females.

OK, how did that apostrophe sneak in there? I do know how to spell, I do. Honesst.

Just refrain from asking “What’s a nubian?” at a con…

Ooh, I gots me a nit-pick. Albedo is the degree of reflectivity, and so a pasty Rohirrim would have a higher albedo than a swarthy Southron: ditto for pallid nerds.

One of the things that amused me about SF Fandom was the wailing among concoms that they didn’t attract a racially diverse population. Being geeks they really wanted the convention to reflect the same statistical distribution as the local population. SF Cons do attract people of all races, and people of all races are welcome there, but they are underrepresented compared to the general population.

I knew that. :o

Going to a con tonight. Arisia is pretty diverse. I don’t have any figures, but I got the impression that there might be a higher white percentage than the general population, but it’s very iffy. I might be wrong. It certainly isn’t deficient in females, who are very well represented. It’s not a nerdy white male preserve. The body types, male and female, black, white, Asian, and other, run the gamut – you’ve got couch potato types and physical fitness obsessives and everything in between. It’s pretty well distributed by age, too.

My experience with science fiction convention is then males and females are in roughly equal proportions (maybe some more males, but no more than 60-40).

Not a lot of Black fans, though.

Ages tend to be older; one of the big issues is the graying of fandom.

This got me wondering:

a. Are there such things as Harry Potter fan conventions?

b. If so - the overwhelming majority of the online HP fandom is female. Is this reflected in 'con attendances?

Yes. Including trips to places where the films were made, as well as the more normal cons.

Yep. 90% female, from what i’ve seen.

Lots of Vulcans and Rommies, good number of TOS and TNG Klingons, a few Andorians and Cardassians…

Can I ask in this thread though? Is it something to do with “n00b” (newbie)?

I don’t know about the racial/sexual makeup at Harry Potter conventions, but apparently they do exist. I can definitely tell you that some people (such as my sister) have been known to attend opening-day showings of the movies in full costume.

Go rent Chasing Amy for the whole story. :smiley:

Nubian = Black

I think the Klingons were the most represented race at newer Trek Cons.

For Tolkien, goodly mix of Elves and Dwarves. Occasionally the odd Ent.


Star Trek and Dr. Who Cons in the 70’s & 80’s were overwhelmingly White and largely male. I believe that changed in the 90’s to more of a demographic mix consistant with America. Plus Asians really started showing up in numbers in the mid to late 80’s.

I have never been to a Middle-Earth Con, so I don’t have a clue.

Black Sci-fi fan checking in. Met my wife, also black, at a convention. Luckiest day of my life.

The most statistically overrepresented group at SF cons is, probably, fat chicks.

[ducks and runs]

Met my wife, Pepper Mill, also from New Jersey, at a con. Luckiest day of my life.